Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Islam rebels, the revolt broke out in Libya

TRIPOLI - Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Syria and now Iran and Libya: the revolt of the African countries and the Middle East seems to know no solution of continuity, and proceeds in an unstoppable, spreading to daily new geographical areas. Of course, the riots in the Arab and Islamic countries, will produce a sudden and marked change of world equilibrium.
While in Egypt are promised a new constitution within three days, the revolt in Algeria it appears to be averted. In Tunisia, the situation is still precarious, with a hundred mathematical thousands of people who leave the African country and head its mass to Italy. Less tense situation in Morocco, where young people, through Facebook, are organizing a big anti-government demonstration planned for Feb. 20. Also in Yemen and Syria, the population took to the streets, open clashes with the bitter with the police and the army, the dead and wounded.
Now Libya also joined the states 'revolutionary'. In Tripoli, there will be a massive demonstration against the forty-dictator Muammar Gaddafi and Prime Minister Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi . It all started with a protest march that involved several hundred people in the Libyan capital. The request of the crowd, diretta verso la sede della polizia, era la scarcerazione di Fathi Tarbal ; l'attivista per i diritti umani che è anche il rappresentante delle vittime della prigione di Abu Salim (famoso per i numerosi detenuti islamici che ha ospitato).
Nel giro di poco, percependo il clima di fortissima tensione e temendo l'espandersi della rivolta, le autorità hanno concesso la liberazione di Tarbal. La folla però non si è accontentata ed ha deciso di proseguire la propria marcia di protesta verso piazza al-Shajra. Sia a Tripoli che a Bengasi non sono mancati i primi scontri tra manifestanti e forze dell'ordine ed i primi feriti; con Gheddafi che per ora ha preferito non rilasciare dichiarazioni pubbliche alla population. Meanwhile, activists are preparing to "day of rage" for next February 17.

also Islam in turmoil
Revolutions Tunisia and Egypt are popular school and, as for the two African countries, including in the Islamic world are social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are being used to organize gatherings and events of all kinds. The protest continued in Bahrain, with thousands of people in last night occupied the central square of Manama. The requests are the "standard" resignation of the ruling class and large-scale democratic reforms.


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