Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chance Of Recovering From Stage 4

Renato Biagetti, a victim of fascist violence

Who killed Renato fell from a gray car with a knife in his hand. It was aimed directly at his chest. Then he injured who was with him. His girlfriend and the friend of all time. It was five o'clock in the morning Sunday (August 27, 2006). Renato Biagetti was 26 years old and had been to a reggae concert on the Roman coast in Ficene, a village of Fiumicino. A quiet evening, like so many others. Up at dawn, when about to return to Rome in the neighborhood of Cave Perfect. Just outside the kiosk on the beach, a metallic gray car approached the car where Renato and his friends have just gone up. "It 's over the party?". "Yes? So why do not you go to Rome?, "Said one of the two who was on board before going down with the blade between his fingers. Three shots to the heart and lungs of Renato. And more minor injuries to his companions in misfortune. She has thirty years, the other 29. They will run up and someone from the kiosk to provide the first information to the police about the incident.
will speak with the police also Renato. Grassi Ostia is going to do while waiting for a couple of hours, it seems, before entering the operating room. That 's where he died, around noon. "After waiting inexplicable and unacceptable," write the friends and the friends of Acrobax. Why Renato was a companion of many who recognize themselves in the activities of the laboratory that was once occupied the Cinodromo Ponte Marconi.

Renato Biagetti is one of the many victims of fascist violence. On March 5 at Busy Market remember him and with him all her friends and classmates murdered at the hands of the most vili servi del potere.

Il blog curato dalla madre di Renato Biagetti


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