Sunday, February 13, 2011

Aortic Aneurysm Symptoms In Horses


The blanket urban continues to intoxicate the present forms of distressing, its areas broken, his museificati city centers, industrial areas and its its residential lots, its parks and its bar jocks. Everything flows in a more orderly disorder, while the sides of roads, neighborhoods, visceral, people gets by violating a law that nobody has ever deemed it useful.

Ten women in the last week have decided to devote himself to shoplifting in the malls, right before starting to steal the bread, then the clothes, then cosmetics. The needs are met, including those imposed by the productive machine.

cameras in department stores and then reveal their true order, monitor the crazy paths of consumption, spying on the well-being that feeds on itself, the record support this or that department trucks crammed with useless stuff to fill market surveys that try to awkwardly justify the production. So the slavery of those who produce.

Bari is a city illegal. Squats, ordinances mocked, micro-invasive, widespread illegal. The institutions, as usual, try to hit the "crimes" of those who have nothing, defending the atrocities of building speculators and loan sharks, feeding the cult of law and order that makes you laugh even chickens.

families for over eight years occupied the buildings of Via Napoli were savagely evicted by the Prefect. They wanted a house, if I'm holding all this time without asking anything to anyone and for anyone, because if what they wanted the were taken.

There are more occupied dwellings in Bari that have nothing to do with politics. And it is amazing how the political and their total rejection of any practice vertenziale of any relationship with one who commands and controls the traffic of goods and people. The instinctive awareness of what one needs to take pervades the plebeian masses who flock to the city since birth, fueling a dangerous and subversive counterculture, and showing fraying of standardization systems of the present.

As a politician's action in revealing the total uselessness of politics and its vassals reveals the awkward wandering assessors and trade unionists seeking dialogues and negotiations, for them everything has to be brought back immediately into the channels of polluted than the caste of the parties to comedy, all to try to control the uncontrollable, to define the undefinable.

And so it happened that the former occupants of Via Napoli sent to that country's fascists Pound House, which has long hoisted their flag on those dirty buildings as guardians of a pact with the power that apparently has not been met. Provided that the years of the "bag" urban construction in the suburbs, the deportations, of removal from the center of the mob, the fascists control or government, with a shaved head or in a suit and tie, defend. They do with the police or with their squads, as they did last November 28 of '77.

And so it happened that trade unions and parties of the order of "left" frantically tried to start a race to replace swastikas and Celtic crosses with their post-communist symbols and flags, displaying a certain familiarity to the negotiating table that almost Always turn in as many seats for all who attended. The garrison in the town suggested by the "confidence in the institutions" has proved a useless puppet theater, with families out in the cold and the fascists greeted with great fanfare at City Hall for the commemoration of the essential foibe.

not last long. Soon megaphones e striscioni verranno amorevolmente stracciati, e si capirà che chi viene a speculare sulle lotte di altri è una merda, che faccia il saluto romano o meno.

Noi, da soggetti che vivono l’occupazione come pratica del bisogno tutti i giorni, non possiamo far altro che agevolare questa presa di coscienza collettiva attraverso lo scambio costante di pratiche di lotta e di pratiche di vita. Occupate ancora.

Fuori dal sistema e fuori dalla legge.

Bari, 13 febbraio 2011


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