Monday, February 28, 2011

Words Congratulate New Baby

precarious intellectual insecurity conceptual

In molti, tutt’oggi, credono di sapere ciò che noi vogliamo. Altri, invece, ce lo impongono. Altri ancora rivestono di menzogne e ipocrisia le loro “soluzioni” per farle condividere alle masse di diseredati che affollano il nostro pianeta. Proviamo a riflettere su the most in vogue at the moment bungabunghesco for the world economy. The precarious. A concept underlying much of the negative mythology of modernity, and thus opposed by many opposition leftists, especially in Italy.

We talk about lack of job, of course, that results in temporary commitments and alienating that weaken the bargaining power of workers and undermine the economic stability of the individual. Let's stop here for now. The solution to this comes free and therefore stability. Work for everyone. Infinity. Or to the income limit for all.

We start from the first case. Work for everyone. It means that all work, however, all. Then an organic society, which manages to combine all his forces in the production side. Of course, I go to trial and error, the goods produced by this supersocietà-industry, in which all working very happily and well-paid, will not be very attractive in the international market. Will have inflated the cost of production to compete with those damn Chinese. Therefore, a labor economics assumes that a company self-sufficient, closed to foreign markets, autonomous and self-sufficient. At this point a good homo economicus can intervene and stop arguing with conviction that the production requires certain resources (energy in particular) e che solo alcuni paesi al mondo oggi sarebbero in grado di automizzare l’intero apparato produttivo. L’Italia chiaramente non è tra questi.

Quindi si pretende, di fatto, di socializzare una macchina industriale pensata e costruita all’interno del libero mercato delle potenze occidentali, creando una grande industria di stato, inevitabilmente autarchica. Dove ho già sentito queste parole? Non mi risultano certo nuove. Ma certo, in quei paesi che si dicevano comunisti e poi si sono trasformati in macchine di schiavismo di massa. E si, signori miei, perché se si deve lavorare tutti, si deve lavorare molto e per poco, altrimenti la nostra bella Fiat 500 non si vende mica. E in bicicletta non ci vanno not even those damned Chinese.

We go to the second proposal put forward by the "extremists" of the radical left. Already I see them, with their black ski masks shout "guaranteed income to all." Even those who do not work. Terrorists. Consider the revolutionary impact of that message. Avoiding possibly ironic about the current exodus of mass that would be from the world of production towards the oasis of redditarismo idle, unless you use the usual guns pointed to politely ask people to continue working. Someone important tells me: " cultural hegemony will be able to empower a tal punto i cittadini da far credere fortemente loro che quell’organizzazione collettiva che si chiama Stato serve per tutelare le libertà individuali e la giustizia sociale ”. E si, dopo che gli racconteranno questa storia, magari sin da piccoli, a scuola, si che obbediranno. E nel peggiore dei casi combatteranno pure, i responsabili. E se proprio non vogliono lavorare si ripunti il fucile alla nuca e non se ne parli più. Anche questa storia l’ho già sentita.

Ma aspetta aspetta, che non è finita qui. Stavamo sbagliando tutto, quante parole al vento, quanti discorsi inutili. Stavamo amabilmente discorrendo di precarietà lavorativa. Stolti! Ma in realtà si voleva dire “precarietà esistenziale”! Ma certo, come abbiamo fatto a non pensarci prima! Geniale! Precarietà esistenziale.

Questo significa quindi che io, individuo, cerco e trovo la felicità esistenziale nella stabilità, esistenziale. Chiaro. E di conseguenza per essere stabile, esistenzialmente, dovrò avere (nel senso di possedere esistenzialmente, non fraintendetemi) una casa, una famiglia, un cane e un barbecue, magari. Caspita, io volevo girare il mondo e dormire dove capita. Volevo avere rapporti occasionali con più partners. Volevo un gatto. Devo dire che questa stabilità esistenziale non mi piace tanto. E poi, cazzo, è parecchio dispendiosa, dovrei persino trovarmi un lavoro. Magari a tempo indeterminate, existentially, of course.

enough. The stability we do not like. Or existential work that may be, it is slavery. And we do not even like the precariousness, of course. But paradoxically, the latter condition facilitates a comprehensive view of the absurdity of the production machine and its crazy rules. Weakened to the point where the bonds and the plots that justify the existence of any order to accentuate the tendency of Western anticollettivistica individualistic and modern. Someone you can not find work because they kill, kill someone else to find work. Still others instead send all to hell and not work more. And at that point will not be more precarious, because they will decide what is the existential stability that suits your needs, and decide their means and ways to achieve it.

PS: It's paradoxes (see para doxa, from the greek), aimed to highlight how the ideological swing between the concepts of job security and stability is not merely a pendulum all self-propelled ' certain internal structures. These structures are the true and essential cause of the greatest injustices in the land, and the next ecological collapse of that planet. It is therefore necessary to question them, if you do not tear them down completely, together with all legal frameworks that protect and cultural existence. Good job.

Bari, 02/28/2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Plan B Urination Back Pain

Bianzino Aldo: you die in prison

Aldo Bianzino was halted Friday, October 12, 2007 after a blitz of Police and Guardia di Finanza in the home where he lived with his partner, and Rudra her mother. The police handcuffed and Roberta Aldo after discovering and seized a marijuana cultivation in the garden behind the house, situated in the middle of nowhere in the hills to dell'Altotevere Pietralunga.

The two are transferred to Perugia da lì al carcere. Sabato il legale d’ufficio incontra Aldo alle 14 e riferisce a Roberta, la compagna, che Bianzino sta bene e si preoccupa per lei. Ma la mattina seguente Daniela, un’amica di famiglia, viene avvisata di correre la carcere in tutta fretta. "C’è un problema", le dicono. Il problema è che Aldo non respira più e Roberta, in evidente stato di choc, non ha nemmeno potuto vedere il suo corpo.

Le indagini autoptiche cominciano a confermare, qualche giorno dopo, quel che tutti già pensano nella piccola comunità di amici di Aldo e Roberta. Le voci raccolte dalla stampa locale parlano di lesioni massive al cervello e all’addome, forse, un paio di costole rotte anche if outside the body of Aldo did not show bruises or contusions.

Aldo was killed in prison. Saturday 5 and Sunday, March 6, his and other stories of lives shattered by state repression will pass through the space freed up the market, thanks to the presence of relatives of victims and committees.

Aldo's blog Bianzino

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chance Of Recovering From Stage 4

Renato Biagetti, a victim of fascist violence

Who killed Renato fell from a gray car with a knife in his hand. It was aimed directly at his chest. Then he injured who was with him. His girlfriend and the friend of all time. It was five o'clock in the morning Sunday (August 27, 2006). Renato Biagetti was 26 years old and had been to a reggae concert on the Roman coast in Ficene, a village of Fiumicino. A quiet evening, like so many others. Up at dawn, when about to return to Rome in the neighborhood of Cave Perfect. Just outside the kiosk on the beach, a metallic gray car approached the car where Renato and his friends have just gone up. "It 's over the party?". "Yes? So why do not you go to Rome?, "Said one of the two who was on board before going down with the blade between his fingers. Three shots to the heart and lungs of Renato. And more minor injuries to his companions in misfortune. She has thirty years, the other 29. They will run up and someone from the kiosk to provide the first information to the police about the incident.
will speak with the police also Renato. Grassi Ostia is going to do while waiting for a couple of hours, it seems, before entering the operating room. That 's where he died, around noon. "After waiting inexplicable and unacceptable," write the friends and the friends of Acrobax. Why Renato was a companion of many who recognize themselves in the activities of the laboratory that was once occupied the Cinodromo Ponte Marconi.

Renato Biagetti is one of the many victims of fascist violence. On March 5 at Busy Market remember him and with him all her friends and classmates murdered at the hands of the most vili servi del potere.

Il blog curato dalla madre di Renato Biagetti

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cubefield School Safe

The story of Frederick

In vista dell'importante incontro del 5 e 6 marzo, " Nessuna pace senza giustizia!" , proviamo a ripercorrere insieme le storie delle vittime dello Stato e del fascismo che in quei giorni, grazie alla presenza di comitati e familiari, attraverseranno il Mercato Occupato di Bari.

Oggi dedichiamo uno spazio e un pensiero a Federico Aldrovandi, ragazzo di 18 anni ucciso la notte del 25 settembre 2005 dall'aggressione di 4 poliziotti (Monica Segatto, Paolo Forlani, Enzo Pontani e Luca Chickens) sentenced to three years and six months for manslaughter.

The four convicted, thanks to the pardon of 2006,
never served their sentences.

The story of Frederick is told in documentary video It 'been a dead guy. Here is the link to view free streaming.

Link to the blog of Federico Aldrovandi, an instrument used by parents to prevent the silting up of the case.

's blog Aldro

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Is An Infection Of The Colon?

5 / 6 March: The final program

Monday, February 21, 2011

Swimming In A Leotard


Enrica Dardes

A former dimly lit underground parking, a scenario sometimes postmodern, with small red metal box by the door, as if they were treasures, at the same time showcases the individual works. This is the location in which took place Saturday, February 19 They hate us for Our Freedom , the exhibition curated by Claudia Jordan and Joseph Racanelli. Inside the
CSOA Busy Market (formerly the municipal market in the neighborhood Poggio Franco, ed) to Bari contemporary art, as in a performance worthy of respect, for one night was the protagonist of the scene.
Despite the ups and downs related to precarious place, these two young people have rallied Bari Puglia thirteen artists to express their views on the current state of the art in the beautiful country and beyond.
Claudia Jordan attended the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bari, and later, a master of contemporary art curator at La Sapienza University in Rome, Giuseppe Racanelli, however, is a doctoral student in Sociology of Law at the University of Bari
"The idea of \u200b\u200bthis exhibition was born from the thesis of Joseph on Pier Paolo Pasolini and censorship. This was an opportunity to expand a bit 'about my horizons, ranging insieme a lui sulle esperienze dell'arte contemporanea di cui era totalmente a digiuno. A dicembre, poi, ho visto lo spazio del mercato e me ne sono totalmente innamorata. Nel giro di un mese ho abbozzato il progetto e ne ho parlato con Giuseppe, poiché lui aveva dei contatti con i ragazzi del mercato. Gli è piaciuto immediatamente. Abbiamo fatto vari sopraluoghi e scelto i box come spazi utilizzabili. Io mi sono occupata dei contatti con gli artisti, scelti in base al loro percorso di lavoro, in maniera tale che potesse combaciare meglio col tema”, ci riferisce Claudia Giordano.
Il titolo The hate us for our freedom è l’emblema dell’ambiguità del concetto in sé di arte, di ciò che ne sancisce la libertà per definizione, e le sue restrizioni. Gli articoli 21 e 33 della Costituzione italiana riportano rispettivamente che “tutti hanno diritto di manifestare liberamente il proprio pensiero” e che “l'arte è libera e libero ne è l'insegnamento”. L’elemento sul quale hanno puntato i curatori e gli artisti è, però, la precisazione dello stesso art. 21 che afferma inoltre che “sono vietate le pubblicazioni a stampa, gli spettacoli e tutte le altre manifestazioni contrarie al buon costume. La legge stabilisce provvedimenti adeguati a prevenire e a reprimere le violazioni”.
Pertanto, in una realtà come quella attuale in cui il comune senso del pudore has blurred boundaries, artists, all more or less in their thirties, expressed with force and vehemence of their thinking, often referring to pressing current events, not only political.
The image of the poster sums up the whole concept of the exhibition: raven blacks, away from the city "civilized", affected by a beacon that reminds one of the police. Hence the connection with the place and the title They hate us for Our Freedom .
The original cut and the various works involved, intrigued and concerned by the numerous visitors. A Passio Christi (most often one of the scenes and notes the history of art), represented by two sculptures small to represent the Messiah about to devour un'adorante Mary Magdalene at his feet. In the "next room" a bed, covered with a red cloth and fancy eye-catching, with a red sequin "bunga bunga, close to the shape of a golden girl. Going beyond a mystical representation - it sounds like a Madonna - with a host of small candles at his feet, next to another small room converted into a disturbing confession. In addition to criticism of a religious, not political lacks the innate accompanied by a video hard di Mameli soundtrack.
addition to these many other works of thirteen artists (Sara Basile, Livio Caione, Loredana Cascione, Pierluca Cetera, Claudia Giannuli, Annalisa Macagnino, Fabio Mazzola, Pierpaolo Miccolis, Paracity Guerrilla Art, Pastike, Patrizia Piarulli, Claudio Ranieri, Giuseppe Sassanelli) che hanno esposto le loro opere in questo scenario singolare, ma assolutamente calzante proprio per il suo essere completamente sciolto dai circuiti abituali dell’arte. La stessa curatrice ci ha detto “È stata una scommessa, per tanti motivi, primo fra tutti portare il popolo dei vernissage in un luogo così tanto diverso dal solito, e soprattutto con una connotazione politica così evidente. Però l’esito è stato decisamente positivo. Tantissima gente è venuta a vedere la nostra exposure and we are very satisfied. "

Responding To Employment Rejection Letter

The art market free from censorship

Perhaps some journalist sympathetic loser (like Luke "inept" De Net barrels, or our dear friend of the Republic) will continue to write that in the busy market is practiced extortion, prostitution, laundering of dirty money, S & M orgies and more.

Perhaps the chic lounges well Bari, (to understand the lobby of the culture that draws freely from the funds of the Region to organize events and concerts), try to hide even this self-organized event and "no cost" that in fact brings question their very existence. Perhaps some

mestierante della politica continuerà a dire che al Mercato si fanno solo "feste e festini", ignorando l'impegno di un collettivo che lavora ogni giorno gratis per ridare vita a una struttura abbandonata (se proprio non si vuole riconoscere dignità politica e culturale a iniziative come They hate us for our freedom e tante altre che sarebbe inutile elencare). Poi magari ci spiegheranno, questi savii, se bighellonare nelle sezioni di partito o condividere link su facebook significa " fare politica ".

Forse avverrà questo e tanto altro. Per adesso è avvenuto che oltre 400 persone hanno avuto modo di assistere a quel fantastico happening che è stato They hate us for our freedom , uncensored art, music, social space in a truly immersive as the busy market today, almost nine months of occupation.

Enjoy the pictures, and especially enjoy the Market, the only autonomous space and self-governing of our city!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Honey X Honey Drops Cn

Quote of the day: Even

"young people to be directed towards social activities such as volunteering and civic engagement "

Luigi Cipriani - A man, a cause ...

Whats Name Of Dinosaur On Late Late Toy Show

Islam rebels, the revolt broke out in Libya

TRIPOLI - Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Syria and now Iran and Libya: the revolt of the African countries and the Middle East seems to know no solution of continuity, and proceeds in an unstoppable, spreading to daily new geographical areas. Of course, the riots in the Arab and Islamic countries, will produce a sudden and marked change of world equilibrium.
While in Egypt are promised a new constitution within three days, the revolt in Algeria it appears to be averted. In Tunisia, the situation is still precarious, with a hundred mathematical thousands of people who leave the African country and head its mass to Italy. Less tense situation in Morocco, where young people, through Facebook, are organizing a big anti-government demonstration planned for Feb. 20. Also in Yemen and Syria, the population took to the streets, open clashes with the bitter with the police and the army, the dead and wounded.
Now Libya also joined the states 'revolutionary'. In Tripoli, there will be a massive demonstration against the forty-dictator Muammar Gaddafi and Prime Minister Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi . It all started with a protest march that involved several hundred people in the Libyan capital. The request of the crowd, diretta verso la sede della polizia, era la scarcerazione di Fathi Tarbal ; l'attivista per i diritti umani che è anche il rappresentante delle vittime della prigione di Abu Salim (famoso per i numerosi detenuti islamici che ha ospitato).
Nel giro di poco, percependo il clima di fortissima tensione e temendo l'espandersi della rivolta, le autorità hanno concesso la liberazione di Tarbal. La folla però non si è accontentata ed ha deciso di proseguire la propria marcia di protesta verso piazza al-Shajra. Sia a Tripoli che a Bengasi non sono mancati i primi scontri tra manifestanti e forze dell'ordine ed i primi feriti; con Gheddafi che per ora ha preferito non rilasciare dichiarazioni pubbliche alla population. Meanwhile, activists are preparing to "day of rage" for next February 17.

also Islam in turmoil
Revolutions Tunisia and Egypt are popular school and, as for the two African countries, including in the Islamic world are social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are being used to organize gatherings and events of all kinds. The protest continued in Bahrain, with thousands of people in last night occupied the central square of Manama. The requests are the "standard" resignation of the ruling class and large-scale democratic reforms.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Long To Adopt A Road Uk

vacated the PRINTING MILAN

Consueto sgombero e razione pomeridiana di manganellate per questi nostri ragazzi dei centri sociali a Milano; stavolta è toccata alla Stamperia di Via Giannone al quartiere cinese, in abbandono da 20 anni e ristrutturata in questi mesi dai ragazzi per farci uno spazio sociale e per avere un posto dove vivere nella capitale del pescecane del mattone.

Il rituale delle famiglie e degli amici dei ragazzi è ormai consolidato, una telefonata alle 7 di mattina , arrivano a sgomberare, trenta o quaranta studenti in strada con le suppellettili ammassate sui marciapiedi, presidio di protesta con manganellate da parte di soverchianti forze dell'ordine in antisommossa. Finally, the inexorable Victory Bulletin of the decorated deputy , notary for 20 years now selling off the domes of the tariff, banks and family of the political class Moratti & dealt with the 6 million cubic meters of land held for sale Milanese citizens for generations, but inexplicably become 'private'. A lot of sharks around between , always the same: from the Ligresti Cabassi to Tronchetti served with superstars scariolante cooperatives and self-styled left of the improved concrete crib and volume.

For example, a public work of dramatic urgency as a shopping center inside the hospital Niguarda, to choose a little head in the pauses of dialysis, will € 140 million of public money + 120 private , the budget of an African Ministry of Health. Just enough to clear the city the problem of non-resident students, one of the homeless, young couples, refugees and foreign political and symbolic price of public venues throughout the historic association in Milan. Still trying to save 50 children from abandonment and decay very least a fragment of these cakes symbolic trigger an earthquake and disastrous for months and years the attention of those authorities. At first, the arguments of our deputies were bizarre and surreal, infiltration of Islamic terrorists and new Red Brigades. Established ridicule those contentions, the actual content of the bulletins of the General Staff of the brick is changed, because it clears SI: cited Article 42 of the Constitution as a last resort: it is based on the same article that it can be argued the inadmissibility of keep vacant for decades and to intentionally degrade public or private property in order to keep prices artificially high rents and the value per square meter property owned by the lumpen middle-class Milanese winter to keep the liguria her grandmother so it will provide the hiring Aunt Pina apartment at 1500 euro per month, black immigrants accatastati o a studenti fuori sede dopo averci ricavato abusivamente celle da carcere siberiano. Il bunga-bunga al governo lì a Roma provvederà a condonare gli abusi edilizi prima e quelli fiscali dopo. Che fanno la stampa mainstream, la magistratura, la corte dei conti, quella costituzionale, gli organismi di controllo? Nulla. Si costernano, si indignano, si impegnano, poi gettano la spugna con gran dignità. Che fanno la sinistra e i sindacati? Cooperative edilizie e subappaltistica per sistemare il loro miserabile ceto di topi di federazione e signori delle tessere e relativi famigli in concerto con le suddette cupole. Che faranno i giovani privi di qualsiasi sponda politica, civile o istituzionale di fronte allo spettacolo di queste abissali inquità, this programmatic willingness to bow to big powers and to the safe haven for the weaker and vulnerable members of society? This :

Whose fault is it? Mine is for sure, giuringiuretta, disèm in Milan

Short Kurta Hyderabad

WE TAKE PLACE: THE BUSY MARKET against homophobia and sexism

Every society has its faults, limitations, contradictions. Jamaica is one example of the many countries where gays and lesbians are forced into hiding as the victims of beatings and murders, like the one last November by Steven Harvey, a homosexual activist organization that deals with AIDS .

Expressions Culture of the Caribbean island, the first of the reggae music that has made it famous, are not exempt from the problem. Reggae has always had the imagination, in texts, the protagonists and the collective use (from concert sound systems), a highly political. He expressed the conscience of the roots of identity, a flag of brotherhood against imperialism, racism and the prohibition of soft drugs.

has spread and divided into subgenres. In some of these, however, meet the artists who "belong to it - says the group's reggae singer Bunna Turin Africa Unite - a current called" Dance Hall ", developed in recent years, consideration Jamaican hip hop's most violent. " The approach of such characters (the site names and verses indicted) is based on patriarchy, the machismo, sexism, homophobia, and sometimes, they are cloaked well of biblical fundamentalism.

condemn forms of sexuality are not allocated to the dictates of scripture. And are not limited to invective, but rather incite the killing with burning, hanging, firearms, beheadings. For some time so the concerts of this type are boycotted in the United States and Europe mostly thanks to associations Glbt.

The collective CSOA Market Busy Bari does not intend to remain indifferent to this form of culture which effectively denies the project, sharing and socializing that is the basis for employment of a social center. It therefore invites the artists who perform during the evenings to avoid the propaganda of ideas and cultures that inneggino racism, gender discrimination and all that can feed the human feuds that have always hold the castles of injustice and power.

Clearly it is difficult to monitor all forms of expression that take place within a social center, crossed every day by people and different ideas. Even harder is to keep up a single song or artistic expression praising those values \u200b\u200bthat we fight every day. Therefore we rely on common sense of the artists who decide to perform at the market, at least pointing out the inconsistency to promote sociability (arguing, in fact, a social center) using poetry, songs or other forms of artistic expressions which invite discrimination. And then the loneliness.

We take the position.

Bari, February 14, 2010

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Aortic Aneurysm Symptoms In Horses


The blanket urban continues to intoxicate the present forms of distressing, its areas broken, his museificati city centers, industrial areas and its its residential lots, its parks and its bar jocks. Everything flows in a more orderly disorder, while the sides of roads, neighborhoods, visceral, people gets by violating a law that nobody has ever deemed it useful.

Ten women in the last week have decided to devote himself to shoplifting in the malls, right before starting to steal the bread, then the clothes, then cosmetics. The needs are met, including those imposed by the productive machine.

cameras in department stores and then reveal their true order, monitor the crazy paths of consumption, spying on the well-being that feeds on itself, the record support this or that department trucks crammed with useless stuff to fill market surveys that try to awkwardly justify the production. So the slavery of those who produce.

Bari is a city illegal. Squats, ordinances mocked, micro-invasive, widespread illegal. The institutions, as usual, try to hit the "crimes" of those who have nothing, defending the atrocities of building speculators and loan sharks, feeding the cult of law and order that makes you laugh even chickens.

families for over eight years occupied the buildings of Via Napoli were savagely evicted by the Prefect. They wanted a house, if I'm holding all this time without asking anything to anyone and for anyone, because if what they wanted the were taken.

There are more occupied dwellings in Bari that have nothing to do with politics. And it is amazing how the political and their total rejection of any practice vertenziale of any relationship with one who commands and controls the traffic of goods and people. The instinctive awareness of what one needs to take pervades the plebeian masses who flock to the city since birth, fueling a dangerous and subversive counterculture, and showing fraying of standardization systems of the present.

As a politician's action in revealing the total uselessness of politics and its vassals reveals the awkward wandering assessors and trade unionists seeking dialogues and negotiations, for them everything has to be brought back immediately into the channels of polluted than the caste of the parties to comedy, all to try to control the uncontrollable, to define the undefinable.

And so it happened that the former occupants of Via Napoli sent to that country's fascists Pound House, which has long hoisted their flag on those dirty buildings as guardians of a pact with the power that apparently has not been met. Provided that the years of the "bag" urban construction in the suburbs, the deportations, of removal from the center of the mob, the fascists control or government, with a shaved head or in a suit and tie, defend. They do with the police or with their squads, as they did last November 28 of '77.

And so it happened that trade unions and parties of the order of "left" frantically tried to start a race to replace swastikas and Celtic crosses with their post-communist symbols and flags, displaying a certain familiarity to the negotiating table that almost Always turn in as many seats for all who attended. The garrison in the town suggested by the "confidence in the institutions" has proved a useless puppet theater, with families out in the cold and the fascists greeted with great fanfare at City Hall for the commemoration of the essential foibe.

not last long. Soon megaphones e striscioni verranno amorevolmente stracciati, e si capirà che chi viene a speculare sulle lotte di altri è una merda, che faccia il saluto romano o meno.

Noi, da soggetti che vivono l’occupazione come pratica del bisogno tutti i giorni, non possiamo far altro che agevolare questa presa di coscienza collettiva attraverso lo scambio costante di pratiche di lotta e di pratiche di vita. Occupate ancora.

Fuori dal sistema e fuori dalla legge.

Bari, 13 febbraio 2011

Does Vicadon Raise Your Blood Pressure

... The suburbs where another world already exists

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Durabrand Contact Number

No peace without justice

Sabato Sunday, 6 March 5 - c / o CSOA Busy Market Bari Assemblies, workshops, discussion and projections and music with family and committees Federico Aldrovandi, Renato Biagetti Aldo Bianzino and Stefano Cucchi Dax Daniele Franceschi Stefano Frapporti, Franco Mastrogiovanni, Frank Petrone, Joseph Uva and the direct testimony of Isidro Diaz


Saturday, March 5

15:00 Screening "The Mai Alley"

Done CSOA the busy market, a finalist at Bifest (short films)
15:30 pm Workshop I - "you die in prison"

Tales of Ordinary death in Italian prisons

17:00 - Workshop II - "Swastikas and lame"

Fascist violence and collusion with the power
19:00 pm - Workshop III - "State ethics and violence prohibitionist"

Fini Law - Giovanardi and "exemplary punishment"

Social dinner at 21:00

23:00 pm Concert libertarian against all repressions

Sunday, March 6

11:00 am - Workshop IV - "In Italy there are concentration camps"
state racism, the Bossi-Fini, CIE

16:30 - Metropolitan Assembly on repression and freedom with the families of Federico Aldrovandi, Renato Biagetti, Aldo Bianzino Stefano Cucchi, Dax, Daniele Franceschi, Stefano Frapporti, Franco Mastrogiovanni, Frank Petrone, Joseph Uva and the direct testimony of Isidro Diaz

Hours 21:00 - Screening of "It 's been a dead boy" by F. Vendemmiati