Friday, March 4, 2011

Laser Rangefinders For Hunting

Franco Mastrogiovanni: death of a master dark anarchic

History Mastrogiovanni to be told in different eras. That of the past: Francis, anarchist, the beginning of the 70th Marine was involved in the case for the death of fascist Falvella. Conflicting statements of eye witnesses that the incident of July 7, 1972. Some said that Marini and others - left-wing extremists - with strokes of knife Falvella attacked while walking with a friend, cause death. Others said that Mastrogiovanni
while walking with Marini and other members of anarchist and extreme left, was attacked by his friend and Falvella Alfinito Marini and to respond to aggression, launched the fatal stab wound to Falvella.
Marini was sentenced in 1974 to 12 years in prison for manslaughter and competition in a brawl. Mastrogiovanni first convicted and jailed for complicity in a brawl. Later acquitted on appeal. It seems there has never been more psychologically recovered from the experience of imprisonment, that deeply affected him, until they become a person that periodically fell into the tunnel of depression.
In 1999 he was sentenced at first instance to three years' imprisonment for resisting and insulting a public official. At that time in his indictment, the prosecutor repeatedly reminded that Francis was an anarchist. He was acquitted on appeal for not having committed the crime.
Since then, the life of Francis went on between a recovery of normal in some manic episode which saw him admitted to some psychiatric wards.
Today Mastrogiovanni led a quiet life on average. He became an elementary school teacher, loved by children and with families. Released some time in the chronicles. Lived. Or survive. We will not know more
It is said that in July Mastrogiovanni has taken a wrong direction. That has buffered four cars. It is said that Mastrogiovanni, a camping holiday in the Cilento, July 31, 2009 has seen literally surrounded by traffic police and Carabinieri in battle or almost ready to shut down a popular and dangerous fugitive. It is said that on that view, something in the mind of Mastrogiovani has awakened: a memory, an oppression, a tragedy never resolved. The harassment in prison at the time. Then the arrest. For some, is madness. Is said to have tried to escape. Before jumping over a window. Then running madly for camping. Then jumping into the sea. Three hours in the water before the Police manage to convince him to leave. Futile attempt to escape an absurd. She also was mobilized even the Coast Guard, which had alarmed the beach talking to the swimmers who was on-going operation.
It says that after Mastrogiovanni decided to get out of the waves, there has been a struggle. But others testified that the situation was under control and quiet. Someone also said Mastrogiovanni have smoked a cigarette with some fighters and Police officers before being taken away. The charge? Tamponade. The attempt - space - to escape. To where? Not at the police station. To the asylum. The charge? Paranoid personality. Mayor calls for the Health Care Required. For disturbing the peace. Something that is not in heaven or on earth. It is in a mental hospital inside someone who has four cars and seeing buffered surrounded by the armed forces - it seems - at first glance too try to escape?
And even discover that there is still "the peace" to be preserved, the Company increasingly heavily disturbed by sounds and vocerecci of any kind at all hours of day and night, without respite, and possible solutions?
But the decision is made. Francesco Mastrogiovanni is brought into the psychiatric ward of the Hospital of Vallo della Lucania. From that moment everything became dark and sticky. Mastrogiovanni perhaps is heavily sedated. Is tied to the bed of restraint - that is certain from the analysis of medical examiner - appears with a wire or plastic. It is left tied to the bed for four days. The relatives came to visit was denied the chance to see him. The reasons do by healthcare professionals are the patient is heavily sedated and did not even notice the visit. Better to let it calm.
From 31 July 2009 to August 4, you lose any information about Francis Mastrogiovanni. Anarchist school teacher, loved by his children. The news comes and there is widespread media: Mastrogiovanni dies - it seems - to pulmonary edema, only four days of hospitalization in psychiatry of which nobody knows about it you understand the real reasons.
The Attorney Vallo della Lucania has opened an investigation and placed under investigation in the psychiatric ward of the seven doctors who have had to "cure" Mastrogiovanni hospital Campania.
not attendiamoci no solution. Any explanation. No sentence. No justice.
not expect any peace. On 5-6 March Market Franco also remember, a victim of state repression.


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