Monday, March 7, 2011

Hiv Rashes Red Spots That Dissapear

No peace without justice

From Linkredulo

Enrico Consoli

'E' on these occasions that I find the smell, scent, dreams and hopes of my son. "

The touching words of Stephanie, mother of Renato Biagetti, murdered by two neo-fascists in Focene 27 August 2006 after returning from a concert reggae, sum up the meaning of laudable initiative organized by Csoa busy market of Bari over the weekend titled "No Peace without justice. "

The memory, far from wanting to be a simple form of mourning, however, is the basis for claiming truth and justice, to challenge the existing state of affairs, to put in report experiences at first glance as different as the deaths in custody and hand the killers to politics, but in reality linked by common logic and the same conspiracy of silence.

So, on Saturday afternoon, the memory of Federico Aldrovandi, Renato Biagetti, Aldo Bianzino, Carmelo Castro, Stefano Cucchi, Dax, Daniele Franceschi, Stefano Frapporti, Franco Mastrogiovanni, Frank Petrone, Joseph Uva through the testimony of family and friends was the first step in a program aimed at dissecting relationships invisible at first sight, identify the link between mechanisms of social control and suppression devices, including state violence and neo-fascist upsurge among prohibitionism and security policies and racist ; short to show the dark side of power, the its ordinary bureaucratic ruthlessness, state violence and its perverse logic.

apt then the choice of interspersed the testimony of family members and friends of the victims in a show staged by the ballet company Bari ALTRAD: reading the writings of Ilaria Cucchi, sister of Stephen, and scenes from "nightcap" by Harold Pinter (entrusted with the excellent interpretations of Mino De Cataldo Stefania Bove and prima ballerina and Stephen Hope) are well embedded in the atmosphere of the initiative.

Today continues with a two days workshop in the morning on the Bossi-Fini centers on the identification and expulsion and repression on the final assembly and freedom from 16.30, which would bring families to the family of Federico Aldrovandi, Renato Biagetti, Aldo Bianzino, Carmelo Castro, Stefano Cucchi, Dax, Danielle Franceschi, Stefano Frapporti, Franco Mastrogiovanni, Frank Petrone, Joseph Uva. At 21 screening of the documentary "It 's been a dead boy" by F. Harvested.

The struggle to seek truth and justice does not stop.


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