Monday, March 7, 2011

80s Thongback Leotard

After 5 and 6 March

The risk of the two days against the repression turning into a "mass memory," there was a fear shared it a bit 'everybody. The fear of the next day only to find a better
initiative (which however was not just seen the national political debate) a little 'end in itself we had there. But, drawing a final budget, this "construction of narrative, this" emotional wave "of this collective narrative shared by those who have suffered injustice and who have the strength to get angry, yell and get angry, there One can only feel richer, stronger and more motivated.

Because the mother's words of Renato party: "E 'on these occasions that I find the smell, the smell, dreams and hopes of my son." And move around to the realization that no death is an accident we were able to trace Map a collective, a direction control. A route that can take us to July 20 in Genoa evocative veterans out of the political class, even motion, and can give us awareness of what has been the Diaz, Piazza Alimonda, Via Ptolemais, Bolzaneto just because there were points of suspension of the right in a past time but the figure of this control and repression.
We started with a feeling, empathy pain. From the power of a message at the same time frightful for its scale and easy to understand: prisons, CIE, the streets where the blades move fascist and barracks where they are detained and even raped women are not different stories. The element that unites them is the pain exactly. A pain that rips any normal, straight leg that enters into any everyday. Pain that is neither shared nor natural nor neutral. Because it's a pain that is exacerbated in the mechanics of injustice, in the complicity of doctors, PM, judges and media. All competitors with the murderers materials, whether police, policemen, or skinheads. Basically those who suffer pain so strong it is against the whole machinery of state or nearly so.

In this scenario, of course, the challenge for truth and justice may appear to have been lost. But there is no discomfort and even the consciousness of injustice becomes the reason for leaving. So the networking of all information, construction of forms of self-defense lawyers and the practice of the conflict against the repression become the tools to use. Building a common path out of ambiguity, to break the cage and breaks down the red areas, it is the policy objective that emerged from these two days. Do not move on the ground short of the antithesis to reason about repression, but a positive element of liberation, disarticulation of the control devices, the rejection of any form of supervision. Each with its own practice and his experience and his personal journey and the collective: it was a reflection on the woman's body (and the facts of Quadraro are yet another slap in the face of indifferent), it was the practice of harm reduction and of ' prohibitionism for those who, like us, moments of social organization, was the reconstruction and information about fascist movements, was self-defense, was to sabotage the CIE and to all detention facilities. We speak of a process of individual and collective liberation and then we speak of authority and the flight control, that we speak of a fundamental element of subjectivity for us, libertarians and anti-authoritarian by nature and by choice, freedom in fact.
Inside this route we move, once again pirates, because the stories of Dax, Renato, of Benedict, Charles, Stephen, Joseph, Federico Aldrovandi, Aldo, of Caramel, by Daniele Franco Mastrogiovanni not only are stories to tell, have not been useless in fact.
continue to seek truth and justice, will continue to fight for justice and freedom to practice, we will continue to walk, the next one!



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