Saturday, March 12, 2011

214 John Deere Garden Tractor

Starts the photography course


Party on the photography course at the busy market. Sunday, March 13 at 18 30 those interested can meet the teacher Michael Iannelli together to agree on times and days of classes. The course will focus on shooting techniques, Development & Printing in the darkroom, photo en plein air with the final output. At the end of the course is always organized a photographic exhibition at the busy market, with the assignment of a beautiful Model Lomo Holga 35 mm at the best exhibitor / photographer.

The course has a duration of 40 hours and will be limited. Therefore will be part of it only and exclusively those who present organizational meeting this Sunday.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Essential Tremor And Special Education

Recurrences. history: anti-fascism from inn ... The texts of the ordinances

That '30s is the hardest time for the anti-Fascists: Fascism besides winning militarily is also able to create some consensus in the poor masses that even with very low wages can still be able to support themselves miserably. The expatriate comrades after clashes in the town of Sestri Ponente, still trying to keep alive the anti-fascist network and try to follow the idea suggested by Danilo Montaldi dauna sentence, that among the sad and sarcastic, it says "is the period of anti-osteria ". Close all locations subversive the only place where you can talk in secret policy with the excuse of drink a good glass are just the many taverns of working-class neighborhood. Being always wise, however, in attendance do not like: OVRA informers, secret police of Fascist Italy from 1930 to 1943.

not underestimate the events, courses and historical recurrences invite us to be on guard, STRENGTH ALWAYS!

Monday, March 14 at 21
Metropolitan Assembly on the order of antiassembramento Michele Emiliano
Busy Market Bari

Create Your Own Custom Wrestling Belts For Sale

Michele Emiliano " Ho firmato le ordinanze "notti tranquille" per i locali pubblici che provocano assembramenti rumorosi durante la notte in VIA ALBANESE N.18-20, VIA GIOVENE N.1, VIA BOTTALICO N.14, VIA BUCCARI N.120,VIA A. DA BARI N.12. L'avevo detto e l'ho fatto."







http://albo. / $ FILE/Atto20110309075812.pdf

Cook County Quick Claim Deed 2010


Il Potere prova a restringere spazi, a controllare i movimenti, a ingabbiare i tempi, limitando la libertà delle persone.

Si comincia con una stupida ordinanza e si finisce a vivere in un regime sotto controllo militare.

A Bari, dopo l'ordinanza che colpiva Bari Vecchia, il Sindaco Emiliano prova a reprimere la socialità, vietando l'assembramento di fronte ad alcuni locali, (chissà perchè solo alcuni...)

Noi dobbiamo rispondere. Fargli passare questa significa spianargli la strada verso la realizzazione di quell'idea repressiva di città che il nostro mayor has in mind for some time.

How absurd and disobeying an order to repeat our freedom in the metropolitan area?

Think together, the busy market.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dhea Supplement Ovarian Cyst

Mungo's Hi Fi and Mr. Williamz Busy Market

THIS Saturday!

part of the series of events "Subversion" dedicated to the DIY sound system and the whole "bass music", the Occupied Social Centre Market presents a special evening with an international guest. Saturday, March 12, the sound system I & I Project is home to the crew of the Mungo's Hi Fi sound system from Scotland and the MC Mr Jamaican Williamz from London, for an evening that will range from dub to dancehall music, from dubstep to drum & bass.

young producers and sound system from Glasgow (Scotland), Mungo's Hi Fi is one of the freshest, most advanced expressions of reggae, contemporary style. From the first success with the hit "Ing" Brother Culture, to today's production with its own label Scotch Bonnett (Belly ska rhythms as powerful, Mary Jane, Mexican bean, From Bad ...) the Mungo's is set to ' world's attention to the quality of their music and especially for the naturalness with which they can reconcile the roots dub and dancehall music in a very modern and original size. With their other label Scrub A Dub then managed to make solar even the genre dubstep!

sound system now is one of the most popular show in the world (Europe, Japan, Mexico ...) 100% dubplates, remixes and original productions. With them to the busy market of Bari, a mc-quality! Jamaican born in London, raised in Jamaica, and returned as a boy in the UK, Mr Williamz is one of the most promising mc in English reggae scene today. Her single "Babylon in Helicopter" has become number one in the U.S. in 2008, and in the same year, the BBC named him "reggae artist of the year in the UK."

Il tutto sull'impianto di I&I Project Sound System, che da anni promuove la musica di Mungo's Hi Fi in Italia.

Introduzione e continuazione a cura di Murgia Thomas, Yosefaya e Supabass

Monday, March 7, 2011

Streaming Exploitation Movies

The squatters invade the London mega villas occupied by VIPs

LONDRA - Il coloratissimo manifesto al numero 52 di Lancaster Street chiama a raccolta "tutti gli squatter di ogni dove". E loro arrivano alla spicciolata: ragazze coi capelli aggrovigliati in dread, giovani in giacca di tweed, adulti disoccupati e immigrati dell'Est Europa. Sono loro a prendere possesso di dimore milionarie nei quartieri più esclusivi di Londra e a farla franca lasciando increduli i malcapitati proprietari. Last but not least the former husband of Madonna, Guy Ritchie. The law of England and Wales does not consider a crime, the illegal occupation. Just find an open window or avoid being caught in the act during the recess and then immediately disguised. After you just do not leave the house empty, the owner wanted to re-enter that threatens fines and jail "until there is someone else inside." A paradox of legislation that has made England and London in particular, the squatters' paradise.

This Sunday afternoon we meet to "discuss, plan and improve" their strategies for the third time in three months. But this time some face betrays the tension. The Sunday Telegraph launched the campaign "Stop the squatters." Support not only the owners frightened by the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding the house invaded after a short vacation, but also MPs. They want the law to comply with the Scottish English that includes fines and imprisonment. "Right now it is all too easy to fill," says the conservative Weatherley.
"It is simply asked to leave home without incurring penalties or be unwilling to do it again."

is what happened to the anarchists "Really free school" movement against the reform school was officially founded by Michael Gove. The 18 gennaio li hanno beccati a Bloomsbury Square in un immobile commerciale del XIII secolo. Peter Nahum, commerciante d'arte, lo aveva comprato a settembre per 2 milioni di sterline e aspettava i permessi per convertirlo in abitazione. Ha scoperto che non poteva riprenderne possesso a meno di 5mila sterline di multa e sei mesi di carcere, finché non avesse dimostrato dinanzi a una corte di esserne il legittimo proprietario. Solo allora ha ottenuto un "Ipo", ordine di possesso, contro "ignoti". Gli ignoti sono sloggiati, ma non hanno risarcito Nahum né delle spese legali né dei danni. Anzi hanno preso di mira un'altra abitazione: quella di Guy Ritchie a Fitzroy Square. Fatti sgombrare anche da lì, si sono spostati in un pub vicino Oxford Street and moved on Thursday, after yet another IPO, near Leicester Square.

to assist during the litigation - there are about 10 per week - the Advisory Service for Squatters (Ass), apart from giving legal advice, distributes a booklet full of advice and tips. Not only that. In his office in East London you can find a bulletin board plastered with ads for "Empties," as they called in the jargon, empty buildings. Others are on the Internet with over 16 thousand registered forum or on Twitter. No wonder then, that the squatters in London come from afar. As Jason, 21 years traveled by hitchhiking from Latvia so far because a friend had spoken of the "legal protection" guaranteed to squatter in England. Today he lives with 30 people in a Victorian house at Highgate between the homes of Sting and Jude Law. "We received orders to evacuate - he says - but we've already spotted other places to go. At least until the legislation will not change." (07 March 2011)

Hiv Rashes Red Spots That Dissapear

No peace without justice

From Linkredulo

Enrico Consoli

'E' on these occasions that I find the smell, scent, dreams and hopes of my son. "

The touching words of Stephanie, mother of Renato Biagetti, murdered by two neo-fascists in Focene 27 August 2006 after returning from a concert reggae, sum up the meaning of laudable initiative organized by Csoa busy market of Bari over the weekend titled "No Peace without justice. "

The memory, far from wanting to be a simple form of mourning, however, is the basis for claiming truth and justice, to challenge the existing state of affairs, to put in report experiences at first glance as different as the deaths in custody and hand the killers to politics, but in reality linked by common logic and the same conspiracy of silence.

So, on Saturday afternoon, the memory of Federico Aldrovandi, Renato Biagetti, Aldo Bianzino, Carmelo Castro, Stefano Cucchi, Dax, Daniele Franceschi, Stefano Frapporti, Franco Mastrogiovanni, Frank Petrone, Joseph Uva through the testimony of family and friends was the first step in a program aimed at dissecting relationships invisible at first sight, identify the link between mechanisms of social control and suppression devices, including state violence and neo-fascist upsurge among prohibitionism and security policies and racist ; short to show the dark side of power, the its ordinary bureaucratic ruthlessness, state violence and its perverse logic.

apt then the choice of interspersed the testimony of family members and friends of the victims in a show staged by the ballet company Bari ALTRAD: reading the writings of Ilaria Cucchi, sister of Stephen, and scenes from "nightcap" by Harold Pinter (entrusted with the excellent interpretations of Mino De Cataldo Stefania Bove and prima ballerina and Stephen Hope) are well embedded in the atmosphere of the initiative.

Today continues with a two days workshop in the morning on the Bossi-Fini centers on the identification and expulsion and repression on the final assembly and freedom from 16.30, which would bring families to the family of Federico Aldrovandi, Renato Biagetti, Aldo Bianzino, Carmelo Castro, Stefano Cucchi, Dax, Danielle Franceschi, Stefano Frapporti, Franco Mastrogiovanni, Frank Petrone, Joseph Uva. At 21 screening of the documentary "It 's been a dead boy" by F. Harvested.

The struggle to seek truth and justice does not stop.

80s Thongback Leotard

After 5 and 6 March

The risk of the two days against the repression turning into a "mass memory," there was a fear shared it a bit 'everybody. The fear of the next day only to find a better
initiative (which however was not just seen the national political debate) a little 'end in itself we had there. But, drawing a final budget, this "construction of narrative, this" emotional wave "of this collective narrative shared by those who have suffered injustice and who have the strength to get angry, yell and get angry, there One can only feel richer, stronger and more motivated.

Because the mother's words of Renato party: "E 'on these occasions that I find the smell, the smell, dreams and hopes of my son." And move around to the realization that no death is an accident we were able to trace Map a collective, a direction control. A route that can take us to July 20 in Genoa evocative veterans out of the political class, even motion, and can give us awareness of what has been the Diaz, Piazza Alimonda, Via Ptolemais, Bolzaneto just because there were points of suspension of the right in a past time but the figure of this control and repression.
We started with a feeling, empathy pain. From the power of a message at the same time frightful for its scale and easy to understand: prisons, CIE, the streets where the blades move fascist and barracks where they are detained and even raped women are not different stories. The element that unites them is the pain exactly. A pain that rips any normal, straight leg that enters into any everyday. Pain that is neither shared nor natural nor neutral. Because it's a pain that is exacerbated in the mechanics of injustice, in the complicity of doctors, PM, judges and media. All competitors with the murderers materials, whether police, policemen, or skinheads. Basically those who suffer pain so strong it is against the whole machinery of state or nearly so.

In this scenario, of course, the challenge for truth and justice may appear to have been lost. But there is no discomfort and even the consciousness of injustice becomes the reason for leaving. So the networking of all information, construction of forms of self-defense lawyers and the practice of the conflict against the repression become the tools to use. Building a common path out of ambiguity, to break the cage and breaks down the red areas, it is the policy objective that emerged from these two days. Do not move on the ground short of the antithesis to reason about repression, but a positive element of liberation, disarticulation of the control devices, the rejection of any form of supervision. Each with its own practice and his experience and his personal journey and the collective: it was a reflection on the woman's body (and the facts of Quadraro are yet another slap in the face of indifferent), it was the practice of harm reduction and of ' prohibitionism for those who, like us, moments of social organization, was the reconstruction and information about fascist movements, was self-defense, was to sabotage the CIE and to all detention facilities. We speak of a process of individual and collective liberation and then we speak of authority and the flight control, that we speak of a fundamental element of subjectivity for us, libertarians and anti-authoritarian by nature and by choice, freedom in fact.
Inside this route we move, once again pirates, because the stories of Dax, Renato, of Benedict, Charles, Stephen, Joseph, Federico Aldrovandi, Aldo, of Caramel, by Daniele Franco Mastrogiovanni not only are stories to tell, have not been useless in fact.
continue to seek truth and justice, will continue to fight for justice and freedom to practice, we will continue to walk, the next one!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Laser Rangefinders For Hunting

Franco Mastrogiovanni: death of a master dark anarchic

History Mastrogiovanni to be told in different eras. That of the past: Francis, anarchist, the beginning of the 70th Marine was involved in the case for the death of fascist Falvella. Conflicting statements of eye witnesses that the incident of July 7, 1972. Some said that Marini and others - left-wing extremists - with strokes of knife Falvella attacked while walking with a friend, cause death. Others said that Mastrogiovanni
while walking with Marini and other members of anarchist and extreme left, was attacked by his friend and Falvella Alfinito Marini and to respond to aggression, launched the fatal stab wound to Falvella.
Marini was sentenced in 1974 to 12 years in prison for manslaughter and competition in a brawl. Mastrogiovanni first convicted and jailed for complicity in a brawl. Later acquitted on appeal. It seems there has never been more psychologically recovered from the experience of imprisonment, that deeply affected him, until they become a person that periodically fell into the tunnel of depression.
In 1999 he was sentenced at first instance to three years' imprisonment for resisting and insulting a public official. At that time in his indictment, the prosecutor repeatedly reminded that Francis was an anarchist. He was acquitted on appeal for not having committed the crime.
Since then, the life of Francis went on between a recovery of normal in some manic episode which saw him admitted to some psychiatric wards.
Today Mastrogiovanni led a quiet life on average. He became an elementary school teacher, loved by children and with families. Released some time in the chronicles. Lived. Or survive. We will not know more
It is said that in July Mastrogiovanni has taken a wrong direction. That has buffered four cars. It is said that Mastrogiovanni, a camping holiday in the Cilento, July 31, 2009 has seen literally surrounded by traffic police and Carabinieri in battle or almost ready to shut down a popular and dangerous fugitive. It is said that on that view, something in the mind of Mastrogiovani has awakened: a memory, an oppression, a tragedy never resolved. The harassment in prison at the time. Then the arrest. For some, is madness. Is said to have tried to escape. Before jumping over a window. Then running madly for camping. Then jumping into the sea. Three hours in the water before the Police manage to convince him to leave. Futile attempt to escape an absurd. She also was mobilized even the Coast Guard, which had alarmed the beach talking to the swimmers who was on-going operation.
It says that after Mastrogiovanni decided to get out of the waves, there has been a struggle. But others testified that the situation was under control and quiet. Someone also said Mastrogiovanni have smoked a cigarette with some fighters and Police officers before being taken away. The charge? Tamponade. The attempt - space - to escape. To where? Not at the police station. To the asylum. The charge? Paranoid personality. Mayor calls for the Health Care Required. For disturbing the peace. Something that is not in heaven or on earth. It is in a mental hospital inside someone who has four cars and seeing buffered surrounded by the armed forces - it seems - at first glance too try to escape?
And even discover that there is still "the peace" to be preserved, the Company increasingly heavily disturbed by sounds and vocerecci of any kind at all hours of day and night, without respite, and possible solutions?
But the decision is made. Francesco Mastrogiovanni is brought into the psychiatric ward of the Hospital of Vallo della Lucania. From that moment everything became dark and sticky. Mastrogiovanni perhaps is heavily sedated. Is tied to the bed of restraint - that is certain from the analysis of medical examiner - appears with a wire or plastic. It is left tied to the bed for four days. The relatives came to visit was denied the chance to see him. The reasons do by healthcare professionals are the patient is heavily sedated and did not even notice the visit. Better to let it calm.
From 31 July 2009 to August 4, you lose any information about Francis Mastrogiovanni. Anarchist school teacher, loved by his children. The news comes and there is widespread media: Mastrogiovanni dies - it seems - to pulmonary edema, only four days of hospitalization in psychiatry of which nobody knows about it you understand the real reasons.
The Attorney Vallo della Lucania has opened an investigation and placed under investigation in the psychiatric ward of the seven doctors who have had to "cure" Mastrogiovanni hospital Campania.
not attendiamoci no solution. Any explanation. No sentence. No justice.
not expect any peace. On 5-6 March Market Franco also remember, a victim of state repression.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bridal Shower Invitations Jamaican Theme

Frapporti Stephen: "You can not die like this ..."

"What happened to Stephen 'Cabana' Frapporti can not pass in silence and indifference. A part of the city feels, thinks, it whispers. Let us be strong together. Accept that this is only the 'hard normality' makes us all less free and less human. "

Questo scrivevamo nel volantino che invitava alla manifestazione del 7 agosto. E il 7 agosto (giorno in cui Stefano avrebbe compiuto 49 anni) una parte significativa, variegata della città lo ha effettivamente detto, e forte: “Non si può morire così”. Sentiamo ancora l’emozione delle parole, dei silenzi intensi, della presenza fisica delle centinaia di persone che hanno voluto partecipare al corteo.

Martedì 21 luglio 2009, finito il lavoro, Stefano sta girando in bicicletta per Rovereto. Qualche ora dopo, viene trovato morto in una cella di via Prati. Un arresto l’ha ucciso.
In fondo, la tragica vicenda si potrebbe riassumere tutta con queste parole. Dure quanto basta.
Ma troppe sono le incongruenze, le contraddizioni, le lacune, le omissioni contenute nel verbale di arresto per poterle tacere.

Se le attenzioni dell’inchiesta sembrano concentrarsi (casualmente?) su ciò che è o sarebbe accaduto in carcere, per noi le domande cominciano ben prima: in strada e in caserma.
• Perché una persona che non ha precedenti per droga viene fermata e perquisita da due carabinieri in borghese?
• Chi può credere che qualcuno a cui non viene trovato nulla addosso dichiari allegramente e spontaneamente ai carabinieri di avere dell’hashish… a casa?
• Com’è possibile che nel suo appartamento gli uomini dell’Arma trovino hashish "cleverly hidden" - so they write - in a cabinet without moving anything else in the house (if not a drawer, the only things, incidentally, mentioned in the minutes of search and arrest)?
• How is it possible that none of the neighbors will not notice the search (this is usually not very loud)?
• Why, before being taken back by the police, Stefano takes tracksuit pants (with the cord of which would later be hanged), but did not prepare anything for the jail? • Why
jeans and underwear were not returned to the family?
• Because no one has been advised of the arrest of Stephen (which is already in the barracks would have to do)?
• What really happened in the barracks?

Applications would be so many more. But this is enough to say that we do not believe the official version. And the death of Stephen will continue to speak to the busy market on 5 and 6 March 2011, during the initiative "No Peace Without Justice."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is It Fair To Block Pockets In Pool

Dax, a victim of the blades on

On 16 March 2003, two neo-Nazi attack Quarter Ticinese in Milan a few companions. Alex is seriously injured. Dax it dies. San Paolo hospital, where Dax comes now dying, dozens of police and police will charge the companions rushed wildly.

In 2009, with final judgments two companions were sentenced to two years imprisonment.

The 5 / 6 March 2011, the freed space in the market, also relive this history through the testimony of relatives and friends.

What follows is the story of a companion

Sunday evening for me has always been the saddest moment of the week. The weekend is winding down and there is about to begin a new work week and heel elevator. So even that bloody Sunday none of us wanted to go home and set your alarm. Moreover it was not even midnight. At night, at least she was still young. We were not regulars Tipota. That evening we decided to Berci last beer there.

Everything that comes after is now part of the history of the city. 2 demented Nazi who lived just above the Tipota decided that this was the right night to try out their new knives and courage that Thor or any of their strange god or gods had given him. Of course we are not children of oratory. In these paragraphs we pull some things back. But the logic of the blades always been opposed to the hands. I remember the scuffle lasted a few minutes. The noise cool the blades.

Dax Then it breaks down. His last words: "This time I have done wrong .." You have killed him. Nn And we forget it. We do not condone.