Monday, December 22, 2008

Silencer Alarm Manual



Saint Lucia went
and was not very polite
Two matches zero points
No network made, and 5 we have taken

comes Christmas, baby Jesus
the Magi and the Epiphany,
hope for a better year
Sunday with some more serene.

For some of my fellow
those less fortunate
wish less aches
and immediate

Those I see most often
Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays
some victory, or at least worst
Auguro almeno qualche pareggio

Al nostro Mister,
e qui non è facile trovare la rima
qualche scelta più azzeccata
studiata la domenica mattina

Tanta fortuna e serenità
a Fulvio e al Baty
visto che sono
i nostri dirigenti più affezionati

the president and our fans
those ever-present
guarantee much more work
hoping to keep them happy

Who wants to hurt us
also send a wish
and promise that we will field
to answer them with dignity

With these few words
All I want to wish
Un anno pieno di serenità
Dopo un felicissimo Natale

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gay Places In Hyderabad


Prima che Sergio dica qualsiasi cosa faccio il MEA CULPA per l'espulsione subita a gara quasi conclusa.Lo so che sono scene che non si vorrebbero mai vedere sui campi di calcio (e neanche fuori) ma quando mi parte l'embolo non capisco più nulla, scusate ! Speriamo che il referto dell'arbitro sia accondiscendente nonostante gli abbia detto ciò che pensavo di sua mamma...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Toronto Official Spalding Basketball


Chronicle Competition: The
Credera jogging back to make points at home against Castelvetro.
start strong local who can take the lead with Marchesetti that makes the most of a great assist from teeth.
But as often happens, the CR once took the lead off, in fact sleep on a defensive guests can tie up a melee in the area.
In the second half both teams trying to win, but it happens soon, so the game ends with a fair balance.

Scoreboard Fuso Neri A.

Pedrinazzi: 6
always attentive, never takes unnecessary risks and the goal seems to have the visual covered when she leaves the ball. THIS

Neri A. Time: 6 -
first time to horror, was pardoned by the referee who does not give the penalty, often loses his man and gives an assist within their area of \u200b\u200btheir opponents, much better in the second half when a wake. ASLEEP

Neri C. Time: 6.5
Good game, mind and hard for opponents to move from its parts is very difficult. DILIGENT

Bertolasi S.: 6
The only one who manages to annoy referees, teammates and opponents, the defense is a good piece, but you should send him to camp gagged. CICERO

Meanti: 6
into the fray a little surprise, the new acquisition of the CR does not pay the excitement and play a game very diligent. ALERT

Bragonzi: 6.5
continued his excellent season with the "true master", and take kicks from unperturbed and is very useful on high balls. SAFETY

Pylons: 6 +
not always polished, but its acceleration is able to embarrass the opposition, gained much punishment dangerous, and even a penalty but he is not granted. BIP BIP

Taino: 6 +
Good ideas especially on the left wing in the first half, set in the shot slightly, but is (almost) always dangerous at set-pieces. DANGEROUS

Sanchirico: 6 -
something wrong pass too, but always tries to run the team. SPINACH LESS AT NOON

Teeth: 6
50% of his goals is on because it offers an excellent Marchesetti assists, good moves for the rest alternate with long pauses. ON / OFF

Marchesetti: 6 +
Often he is forced to struggle on offense alone, but is lucid and lucky to make the only opportunity that presents itself. CYNIC

Bertolasi M.: 6 -
Sign in to post Marchesetti and is very useful to catch his breath the team, but missed two stops that would lead you to face with the goalkeeper. TRAINING

Friday, December 5, 2008

How Much Does A Mongoose Weigh


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Where Do I Take The Rhino V Holo Plans?


At first glance the two pictures appear to be identical for all to see. In fact there are 3 good peering differences. Let's see who's the best and the fastest to find them:

Monday, November 24, 2008

How Does A Quickvue Positive Test Look Like


still experience a loss in the final minutes to believe it. Start strong hosts che passano in vantaggio con Plizzari. Poco dopo però gli ospiti riescono prima a pareggiare, poi a portarsi in vantaggio ad inizio secondo tempo. Il Cr non molla e trova il pareggio con il solito Taino, prima di capitolare definitivamente al 90esimo a causa di una collettiva dormita difensiva.

PAGELLE DI Fuso Nerini A.

Pedrinazzi: 5,5
Incolpevole sul primo e sul terzo gol, mentre sul secondo sbaglia a rimanere bloccato in porta mentre il pallone attraversa tutta l'area piccola. INDECISO

Bertolasi S.: 5
Partita da dimenticare sbaglia alcune giocate elementari e ha colpe sul primo gol. AMATORE

Merisio: 6-
Il capitano con le buone o con le cattive cerca di tenere gli avversari il più lontano possibile dalla porta, a volte dovrebbe farsi sentire di più dall'arbitro. TROPPO BUONO

Maraschi: 6-
Pronti via e prende subito un calcio sulla gamba già dolorante, dopo cinque minuti va a sbattere con la testa contro il palo, a fine primo tempo decide che forse è meglio farsi sostituire. SFIGATO

Piloni: 5,5
Prova alcune accellerazioni a 1000 all' ora, ma non riesce ad incidere come suo solito. FRENATO

Taino: 7
Gol e assist, il bomber è in una forma amazing pity that the team supports him little. EL MARK SEMPER LU

Sanchirico 5.5
not quite get to get into the game, some good games, but we expect much more from him. Rusty

Pen: 5.5
Same with potatoes the argument made for Sanchirico, at this time Credera has too needs its midfielders are fit. too modest

Bragonzi: 6
often forced to pursue more opponents, he loses in lucidity, but not in attitude. RINGO

Plizzari: 6
you do find the right place to push carrying the ball in the local momentary advantage, but totally disappears in the second half due to a less than optimal physical condition, bad luck has it that can not be replaced for lack of unders. BLAST

Teeth: 5.5
First championship match played so-so, some good moves, but little else. To find the true Gimmy still need a little time. POSTPONED

C. Neri Time: 6
Enter the shooting and its not even in a role at the service of his team's own experience, in the end he is in trouble like all his companions. DUCTILE

Marchesetti: NG
Step onto the pitch when the Cr stop playing, balloons and almost always receives very little inaccurate. INNOCENT

Doldi: 6 -
Join him on the field and his direct opponent decides to start running. UNLUCKY

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Increase Dongle Signal


will believe it only lasts 40 minutes, in fact after 2 to 2 immediately disappears and leaves the field open to opponents. Ready
street and will believe the lead, down from the top right of Marchesetti who puts in half for Plizzari not mistaken, they spend only 5 minutes and Paderno equalized with a nice shot just inside the area to cross. Cr starts to attack the dazed with his head down and succeeding to bring them into the lead thanks to a penalty kick trsformato from Taino.
A few minutes from the end of the first guests are the draw with a counterattack that Cr is unprepared.
In the second half the locals "remain" in the locker room giving other 2 goals to opponents who hold the final result on 2 to 4.

report card Nerini Zone A.

scored twice in the first half and created three other good chances. In the second half as the snow melts in the sun. WE DO NOT

Rating applies to those who often do not play, but are always present both in the training is on Sunday. ENCOM

Despite the faith not only is offering great benefits, are always present in the home and away. What's more also prepare cakes for the players. SAINTS NOW

Friday, November 14, 2008

Gold Plated Magnum Desert Eagle Price

The new young King of Bhutan

Jigme Khesar Namgyel , the youngest monarch in the world inherits the crown, but also the challenge of leading the country in the modern world while preserving culture .

Jigme Khesar Namgyel new king of Bhutan, will be crowned tomorrow in the capital Thimpu.
During the investiture ceremony, the young King will receive the Common Raven (crown of the king), becoming the youngest monarch in the world. The solemnity followed three days of national holiday of dances in masks and ancient rites. The date of the coronation was fixed according to astrological calculations.

The young king, who graduated at Oxford, will be the sign of national unity in a country that is difficult to adapt to modernity and democracy.
The democratic structure was introduced by Jigme Singye Wangchuk , father of the new monarch, until 2006, when he abdicated becoming only regent. He is the architect of the new Bhutan, the world in which the opening was carefully calibrated to avoid losing the identity and spiritual values.

This new constitutional monarchy, designed by his father in the new sovereign, once again demonstrates that the monarchy is synonymous with progress, democracy and cohesion.

The monarchy is a guarantee not to lose the identity of a people.
A people does not waive his King!
Long live the King!

Source - BBC

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Proline Cyclone Ii Bow


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Throat Spasms Cant Breathe

Cronaca e pagelle di Corona-Credera= 0-1


AMISCO, take pen and ink and note the following date: 09/11/2008 . No, we're not doing the best wishes to Alex Del Piero (but I do them to him anyway). Two months after the start of the championship Credera won his first game and take home 3 points heavy.
Guests who take the field without Sanchirico and Merisio but without awe. In attack Plizzari have tried to BOA for the onrushing Gila Bertolasi, the initiatives of the attack are entrusted to them. The Credera risk at 20 'when after defensive indecision area turns into a pinball machine. Fortunately, the ball kicked from the edge of the shattered palo.Successivamente the game stagnates mainly in midfield and it was from there that comes the action of the goals of Credera. Taino Classic mezz'esterno tries from 30 yards and the goalkeeper, perhaps betrayed by the synthetic field (or perhaps by some synthetic substance swallowed on a Saturday night) lets out an easy grip and the ball is shaped centrally behind him. Taino then find a way to rejoice in watching the faces of his companions, who had his shot covered with insults, thinking "She made a cazzaaaataaaa" first time that ends at 0-1 am convinced and believe their means. In the second half the visitors were down a little bit of concentration but THE CROWN Forgive us! There are rumors that the first emissaries of the PSG in the standings are intimidated by our victory and have raised the general level of tension!

report cards of Zone C. Neri (With the victory even return my report cards demented)

Pedrinazzi: 6.5
is presented to the field without a beard. It looks like a kid and it also reflected the benefit. Bravo especially in the second half to unravel a skein of the largest port defense from him. GILLET (PORT ... OR DO YOU RAZOR BLADE)

Maraschin: 6.5
is not easy to play two consecutive games after a month and a half in mothballs. Not affected at all, and delighting fans with the classic "Trivela. C ALWAYS - ALLLLLDO

Bertolasi S. : 6
If it were up 1.90 x 90 kg I would have also given 5.5. Naive at the beginning of the game offers a wonderful opportunity when their opponents, si rifà nel secondo tempo spazzando via palloni,caviglie e erba sintetica. Da apprezzare per essere stato l'unico dei 4-5 che venerdì si è presentato all'allenamento dopo la visita medica. DELLA FRESA

Favini : 6,5
Rinfrancato dalla presenza della dolce metà gioca una partita basata sul " darle e prenderle ". Sempre al posto giusto al momento giusto...anche con la fidanzata ! FAVIN LOVER

Fuso Nerini A. : 6+
La squadra non ne può più della sua capigliatura da cantante dei "Sonohra". Ma con 2 metri di ciuffo le palle alte son tutte sue. Gli si perdona l'indecisione nel primo tempo che poteva costar cara e il solito " rotolamento " da infortunio. SEI UN VIAGGIO CHE NON HA NE' META NE' DESTINAZIONEEEE...

Taino : 6,5
Il mezz'esterno più famoso della seconda categoria la mette ancora. " Bomba " dai 30 metri e palla in rete. Non vogliamo sapere chi o cosa abbia promesso al portiere avversario. Quando ha il pallone fra i piedi lo lucida come fosse un'opera d'arte. PELLE DI TAINO

Pen: 6,5
Viene stretto nella morsa del centrocampo avversario. Non si abbatte e combatte. Da un suo assist nasce una pericolosa palla goal nel secondo tempo. PEN-SACI TU !

Bragonzi : 7
Il capitano ! Porta fiero al braccio quella fascia che sembra indossare sin dall'infanzia. Con disinvoltura blocca i centrocampisti avversari e imposta l'azione nel momento del bisogno. Merisio dovrà sudare molto per riavere quel pezzo di stoffa verde ! ADESSO CUCITA ADDOSSO

Fuso Nerini C : 6+
Entra in campo pensando " Oggi sul sintetico mi spaccherò il ginocchio " ma dopo due minuti di partita pensa " Ma si, cazzo me ne frega ". Primo tempo accorto sul laterale avversario, nel secondo tempo si ritrova un gomito avversario in faccia e non le manda certo a dire. "18 SEI UNA MERDA, COLLEGE DI FIGA"

Bertolasi M. : 6 +
the first time to have mitered playable balls. Protects the ball making the team catch his breath. Same symphony in the second half until exhausted, will be replaced. CIAK, SI GILA!

Plizzari: 6 +
... Same with potatoes and pasta, roasts, tiramisu, roast pork, sweet and sour pork, mixed grill. MAYBE LOADED taken from 4 kg within 2-3 days, Bombolino is damned soul in search of the ball. Essential in creating numerical superiority, which is fouled on the shape of his body makes him roll found themselves in the lane baths CremonaPo '. midfield ... CHICKEN

Marchesetti: SV
A quarter of an hour to catch his breath the team and another 5 minutes to catch his breath himself after a night of madness. Gascoigne

Doldi: SV
Replacing his tactics. You do not lose heart, the boy has skills and will see very soon. BELIEVE IN Credera

Sunday, November 2, 2008

How To Build An Apothecary Table


will believe is able to stop the streak of consecutive losses, but still can not hit the first win of the season. The RC plays a first time and finds himself deservedly unwatchable below to 1 to 0. After groomed locals come into play more motivated and able to find a balance with Plizzari well served by Time Nerini C., the test Credera us to the end, but can not find the leg winner.

report card FUSO NERINO A.

Pedrinazzi: 6.5
should not make great speeches, but he may be found both in the door is always ready when he goes out with his feet. CONCENTRATE

Merisio: 6.5
The captain plays a very shrewd game, holding opponents at bay in transit from its parts and in the final push forward in search of goals. Handyman

Viola: 6
Maybe some responsibility on the opponent's goal, but otherwise plays in a simple and effective forced out towards the half-time for a suspected knee distortion. Unlucky

Pedrini: 6 +
must contend with a bad score but does not move, playing experience and not take unnecessary risks. ACCOUNTANT

Neri A. Time: 5.5
In the first half is mocked by his opponent, he recovered a bit in the second half, but could give more. WITH TIME-

Bragonzi: 6.5
Excellent game, is the glue between the defense and midfield, chasing out all opponents and also tries to set the action. GLADIATOR

Sanchirico: 5.5
Pay the worst first half of the team, the rarely seen and only on punishment. IN SHADE

Taino: 6.5
After a somewhat hesitant start, the bomber of the CR started to take measures and sometimes becomes clear, some of his dangerous corner kicks (from the punishment for my sin et ). feet warm.

Pen: 6 + Fight
much in midfield, passing a few mistakes too, but you never back (see head). FIGHTER

Marchesetti: 6 -
In the first half seems a bit out of place, shooting in the second half when the Credera go to trident. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER

Plizzari: 7
first game as a starter, the first league goal, first goal of the tips could not ask for anything more to celebrate her 22nd birthday. PERFECT DAY

C. Neri Time: 7
Log in recovery and totally changes the game runs a lot more doubles on opponents and turns out to kiss the assist for the equalizer. BALL IN

Bertolasi M. : 6.5
onto the pitch with the right look, fight on all the balloons and has a key role in the equalizer domesticating the ball so sly. EXPERIENCE

Maraschin: 6.5
Entra a freddo al posto del suo compaesano infortunato, nei pochi minuti del primo tempo studia gli avversari, mentre nella ripresa gioca una partita senza sbavature. INSUPERABILE

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Wont To Buy Malarone Tablets



Sunday, October 26, 2008

Instrumental Dont Stop Til You Get


Cronaca partita:
Il Credera non riesce a ritrovare se stesso e perde un' altra partita(la sesta in sette partite),
contro una squadra battibilissima. Le due formazioni si affrontano prevalentemente a centrocampo e le occasioni da gol si possono contare sulle dita di one hand, but now when the game seems to be channeled to 0 to 0, the CR at the 90th was forced to capitulate because of a punishment (unclear) to the edge of the area.

Scoreboard Fuso A. Neri:

Pedrinazzi: 6.5 -
keeps afloat the team with excellent speeches, the only flaw in his game is on the punishment of which does not seem to benefit local inresistibile own, but overall offers a good test. IN RECOVERY

Merisio: 6 +
Apart from some initial blunder, the captain has a very shrewd game without taking unnecessary risks. TEST

Bertolasi S.: 6 +
He takes a bit to get into the game, but when it does make available to the team experience and good physical tonnage on long casts opponents. OMON

Maraschin: 6
First game as a starter, must contend with an opponent mangy gives and takes them calmly. Battler

C. Neri Time: 6 miles to kilometers
mill at all opponents in paying so lucid, as shown by two straight sensational. blunders

Neri A. Time: 6
Play a game of almost perfect, but it's conscience is foul (doubt) that at the 90th coast of the defeat to his team. UNLUCKY

Sanchirico: 6
play a game without infamy and without praise, earning many fouls, but he can not make the step change that is expected of him. SIMPLE

Taino: 5.5
The bomber takes a rest day, it is rarely seen on the defensive in the attack. REST

Bragonzi: 6.5
Left alone by his fellow department is forced to work for a super plug all the holes. Willing

Pen: 6 -
After a good first half, set in the second half and his "absence" makes itself felt in midfield. TIRED

Marchesetti: 6.5
little support from his fellow fighting like a lion against the opposing defense, a lot more runs to chase long balls of his companions, ending the game exhausted. JUICE

Plizzari: SV
After a minute from his entrance into the field undergoes a massage to the ankles, trying to give sparkle to the attack, but has little chance. ISOLATED

Carrisi: SV
Log in recovery and is mainly engaged in the attack, provides some good play. Willing

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mansfield Toilet Noise


Domenica potrebbe esordire l'arma segreta del Credera, e cioè Filippo Plizzari(vedi foto sotto) ...

... che con il suo tiro del drago(in tutu) segnerà gol importanti (come dimostra il tabellone qui sotto).

Quindi ragazzi non preoccupiamoci che sono finiti i tempi bui !!! :-) :-) :-)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Word Disease In A Acrostic Poem


Il Credera viene asfaltato da un P.S.G nettamente superiore, gli avversari di categoria superiore partono subito forte e dopo 3 minuti sono già advantage, the local dazed and unable to respond to undergo the second goal 15 minutes and then capitulate to the 43rd with a third goal guest fixing the outcome of the first time on the 0 to 3. The second time the script does not change, even the guests are rampant and scored another 3 goals. The believe this point has a small reaction of pride and scored twice in five minutes thanks to Smith and Doldi holding the SET button on the 2 to 6. Nasty blow to the CR81, which seems to have entered the field already resigned.

Scoreboard Fuso Neri A.

Pedrinazzi: 5
addition to the 6 goals conceded is not persuasive, it can not hold any ball that comes from its parts. TARGET

Pedrini: 5
The game starts badly and he as the team is unable to respond leaving the field open to opponents. PULLED INSANE

Merisio: 5
Ready away and believe it, and already at a disadvantage, the captain tries to give a little shaken but he seems to believe. REVIEW

Viola: 5.5
The least worst of the defense, biting the ankles of the opponents with great enthusiasm, perhaps even risking too much in a few circumstances, the second yellow card. GRAZIANO

Pylons: 5.5
Eurostar is forced to remain locked for most of the time remaining on the field, test some ideas of his own, but can not affect. FREIGHT TRAIN

Neri C. Time: 5
The filter does little midfield, he runs a lot, but almost always in a partial vacuum is braked from a reprimand to the most receiving early game. PUNISHMENT

Taino: 6 -
The bomber has to deal with a bad client that runs like a madman, does what it can and it's unfortunate when a great punishment is expected at seven parade in a miraculous way from the goalkeeper, out in the second half through injury. UNLUCKY

Doldi: 6
The vote is for the tap-in with which fixed the result on the six Two anonymous enough for the rest of game. IN SHADE

Sanchirico: 5
uninspired and the team's poor start cutting the legs. STERILE

Bertolasi M.: 5
He returned after two weeks of inactivity, but combines very little even though it must be said that his companions leave him alone and are very forward. NEXT

Carrisi: 5
ordered the man of the match of the sky where training shows large numbers, change 2 or 3 roles, but unable to affect little (same address above). ENTERTAINMENT

Marchesetti: 6
Join cameras result already compromised, you do not see much, but hit the crossbar with a shot from just outside the box. CAMPARI

Silvestri: 7
Rating 6.5 would be more correct, but entering the field with the right spirit, often see the game from the bench, but when called into question everything he has always been, the goal is a just reward. MEN'S TEAM

Favini: 5.5
He enters a result already compromised and can do very little. SACRIFICED

Monday, September 22, 2008

What Happens When You Stop Taking Ramipril

Otto Habsburg against Nazism

With the coming of age on November 20 1930 Otto von Habsburg, the eldest son of Emperor Karl I and Zita, assumed the duties of Chief of the Imperial House, who has played and continues to play with a sense of duty and dignity and serve the pan-monarchist ideals. Towards the end of the year '20 in Austria, where the Republic had banished the Habsburgs by depriving them of all good, growing a wide array monarchico, guidato dall’associazione ANELLO DI FERRO e affiancato dal 1925 dalla “Pia Unione di Preghiere” per la beatificazione di Carlo I. A partire dal 1931 oltre 1.600 comuni in Tirolo, Stiria e Austria inferiore divenivano “imperiali” per avere concesso la cittadinanza onoraria a Otto, mentre un busto del padre veniva collocato ufficialmente nella Cripta dei Cappuccini di Vienna. Obbiettivo: restaurare la monarchia su base federale e ispirazione cattolica, unico baluardo contro il nazismo e il comunismo. Scampato il primo pericolo nel 1934, dopo l’assassinio del cancelliere Dolfuss, per l’intervento dell’Italia, il nuovo governo di Vienna cercò il sostegno del sempre più popolare Otto: l’abrogazione of anti-Habsburg in 1919, the return of many family members in Austria, the publication of books and magazines pro-monarchist are proof. "A posteriori, from the international point of view, never the chances of a return of the monarchy in Austria were as great as between 1934 and 1936" (F. Orlandini, Otto of Austria, 2004, p.. 53 ). The widespread royalist sentiments can easily see in what he wrote in 1937, the jew novelist Joseph Roth (author of famous masterpieces THE MARCH OF THE Radetsky and Crypt of the Capuchins ): "We need law and not arbitrary. We need a crown and the cross is not the swastika. We want the Austrian double eagle ... Long live the Emperor Otto . The lack of courage of the Austrian institutions, while governed by convincing people of monarchists, unfortunately, will be fatal. In 1938, the disinterest of France and England, the anti-Habsburg hostility of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, the rapprochement between Italy and Germany favor Hitler, that Otto would not meet in 1933, already aware of its expansionist delusional. While there is growing pressure on Austria Nazi, Archduke asks Chancellor von Schuschnigg to the ouster of the Nazi government, alerted the army (which had restored the imperial banners) the refusal of any award in Berlin. On 17 February 1938, threatened by the Nazi invasion, Otto wrote to the Registrar confirmed the value of the monarchy as a guarantee of independence and freedom of Austria, suggests-to resist Hitler - the approach to the Western powers, the peace with the workers' parties and the refusal of any further concession to the Nazis, already favored by an amnesty. In case of impossibility of von Schuschnigg and his resignation, offered to assume the duties of the Registrar to ensure the government international relief and freedom of action! The hesitation of the Austrian political prejudice the proposed solution March 12 and will deliver to Nazism in Austria: it is no coincidence that among the first to be persecuted, along with the Jews, will be the monarchists! The forced annexation of Austria will be the first step towards the Second World War. Against Otto, who has strongly protested the international press for his country's brutal assault on 20 April issued an arrest warrant for the crime of high treason, which forces him to flee with his family in the United States. The careful diplomacy of Otto on the Anglo-Americans contribute to the "Moscow Declaration" of 1943, which, despite the opposition of the Soviet Union, recognize Austria as nation victims of Nazism and its right to raise it as an independent state. The example of Otto von Habsburg, a supporter of the postwar revival of Europe for 20 years and brilliant member of parliament in Strasbourg, demonstrates that the representatives of the monarchy - even in the most difficult historical situations - may better serve their country because expression of competence and sense of institutions. Otto von Habsburg, who will soon celebrate its first 96 springs, must look with admiration at all eager to benefit principles to their land.

Source - UMI , September 4, 2008

Fear Of Tooth Extraction

"DECLINE AND FALL OF THE MONARCHY IN ITALY" The Savoy Unit in the referendum of 2 June 1946

Aldo Alessandro Mola
The Savoy Unit in the referendum of 2 June 1946

Declino e crollo della Monarchia in Italia - Aldo a. Mola
What is the historical truth about the last days of the monarchy in Italy? It 'possible that the Republic is based on a referendum technically invalid? And who is the dynastic successor of Umberto II? In this book, Aldo A. Mola provides reliable data that upset many clichés: the voters were about 28 million more than 3 million were excluded from the vote, with 12 million 700 thousand preferences the Republic had just 45 percent. On the basis of many unpublished documents (such as some letters to his son-in-exile of the King Vittorio Emanuele), the author reconstructs the role of the House of Savoy in the formation and life of the state from the Risorgimento to the departure of Umberto II of Portugal, in response to fundamental questions sulle origini travagliate dell'ordinamento repubblicano. Senza mai perdere il distacco dello storico e grazie ad un approfondito lavoro di archivio, Mola analizza per la prima volta in dettaglio i verbali elettorali, evidenzia innumerevoli brogli, voti dubbi, pasticci, errori, omissioni, e giunge a conclusioni sconvolgenti.
"Sessant'anni fa l'Italia diventava una repubblica e il Re Umberto II di Savoia si rifugiava in Portogallo, in un esilio da cui non sarebbe più tornato. Sul referendum che sancì il cambio di regime si è sempre molto discusso e alcuni storici hanno cercato di dimostrare che la vittoria della repubblica fu ottenuta con una gigantesca frode elettorale. Ma qual è la verità history on the last days of the monarchy in Italy? Why is the Council of Ministers escape Umberto II powers as Head of State and gave them to President Alcide De Gasperi before the Supreme Court must rule on fraud? It is possible that our republic is based on a referendum that would have been canceled? And who is the legitimate successor of Umberto II? In this book, Aldo A. Mola down many stereotypes about Italian monarchy and its end using many unpublished documents (such as some letters of the exiled king to his son Vittorio Emanuele), and reconstructs the role of the House of Savoy in the formation of the State from Renaissance Unity, companies colonial Giolitti, the World War I until the advent of fascism, the racial laws, the disastrous involvement in World War II and that fateful June 13, 1946 when the plane left the runway of Umberto II of Ciampino at a time in Portugal. The king departed from the King, convinced to return soon, but June 18 was proclaimed a republic and 23 October 1947 the Constituent Assembly condemned him to perpetual exile.
In these pages, the author also answers some fundamental questions about the troubled origins of our republican system. Never losing the detachment of the historian and through an in-depth archive, analyze in detail for the first time the original election records and found numerous holes, to vote in doubt, trouble, mistakes and omissions and drew conclusions disturbing. The shape of the state was decided by the Supreme Court of Cassation, which established a quorum on the basis of only the valid votes, instead of voters: if it had been calculated on the basis of voters, as he wanted the law, the benefit of the republic would fall from 2 million to 250,000.
You can consider this difference as sufficient, given the great uncertainty about the data and the impossibility of controlling the boards, which - according to Justice Minister Togliatti - were "possibly" have been destroyed a few days after the vote? And on this question that the basis of our republican history.
*** Aldo A. Mola (Cuneo, 1943) directs the European Centre for the Study of Giovanni Giolitti State Dronfield (Cuneo). Since 1971 he has devoted his time to Giolitti and numerous essays, including The Giolitti era (1971), History Unit dell'amrninistrazione province of Cuneo to Fascism, 1859-1925 (1971), Press and public life of the province age Giolitti (1971), Giovanni Giolitti: greatness and decline of the liberal state (1978), Giolitti, the statesman of the new Italy (Mondadori 2003). Already co-editor of the Italian Parliament, 1861-1992 (New Cei, 24 vols.), Is the author, inter alia, of the History of Italian Freemasonry from its origins to our days (Bompiani 2001), History of the monarchy in Italy (Bompiani 2002), Silvio Pellico: Carbonaro, a Christian and a prophet of the new Europe (Bompiani 2005), Giosue Carducci: writer, politician, freemason (Bompiani 2006).

ISBN: 978-88-04-57988-5
Price: $ 12.00

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Toe Infection From Pedicure

Restless co ste shit!

"Le spese militari? " Non è che vadano aumentate così tout court, va recuperata l'efficienza delle nostre Forze Armate e vanno date risposte alle esigenze degli uomini e delle donne che compongono le Forze Armate , perché sono un baluardo della libertà e della democrazia nel nostro Paese e sono un punto fermo per la ricerca della pace del mondo.... "

Cominciamo bene... il nuovo ministro della guerra, noto come "diciamolo".... al secolo La Russa (un cognome tipico da sergente) se ne uscito co sta fesseria!

Non ho speranze... quì ognuno deve aiutarsi come può... sopravvivere!