Friday, November 14, 2008

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The new young King of Bhutan

Jigme Khesar Namgyel , the youngest monarch in the world inherits the crown, but also the challenge of leading the country in the modern world while preserving culture .

Jigme Khesar Namgyel new king of Bhutan, will be crowned tomorrow in the capital Thimpu.
During the investiture ceremony, the young King will receive the Common Raven (crown of the king), becoming the youngest monarch in the world. The solemnity followed three days of national holiday of dances in masks and ancient rites. The date of the coronation was fixed according to astrological calculations.

The young king, who graduated at Oxford, will be the sign of national unity in a country that is difficult to adapt to modernity and democracy.
The democratic structure was introduced by Jigme Singye Wangchuk , father of the new monarch, until 2006, when he abdicated becoming only regent. He is the architect of the new Bhutan, the world in which the opening was carefully calibrated to avoid losing the identity and spiritual values.

This new constitutional monarchy, designed by his father in the new sovereign, once again demonstrates that the monarchy is synonymous with progress, democracy and cohesion.

The monarchy is a guarantee not to lose the identity of a people.
A people does not waive his King!
Long live the King!

Source - BBC


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