Sunday, November 2, 2008

How To Build An Apothecary Table


will believe is able to stop the streak of consecutive losses, but still can not hit the first win of the season. The RC plays a first time and finds himself deservedly unwatchable below to 1 to 0. After groomed locals come into play more motivated and able to find a balance with Plizzari well served by Time Nerini C., the test Credera us to the end, but can not find the leg winner.

report card FUSO NERINO A.

Pedrinazzi: 6.5
should not make great speeches, but he may be found both in the door is always ready when he goes out with his feet. CONCENTRATE

Merisio: 6.5
The captain plays a very shrewd game, holding opponents at bay in transit from its parts and in the final push forward in search of goals. Handyman

Viola: 6
Maybe some responsibility on the opponent's goal, but otherwise plays in a simple and effective forced out towards the half-time for a suspected knee distortion. Unlucky

Pedrini: 6 +
must contend with a bad score but does not move, playing experience and not take unnecessary risks. ACCOUNTANT

Neri A. Time: 5.5
In the first half is mocked by his opponent, he recovered a bit in the second half, but could give more. WITH TIME-

Bragonzi: 6.5
Excellent game, is the glue between the defense and midfield, chasing out all opponents and also tries to set the action. GLADIATOR

Sanchirico: 5.5
Pay the worst first half of the team, the rarely seen and only on punishment. IN SHADE

Taino: 6.5
After a somewhat hesitant start, the bomber of the CR started to take measures and sometimes becomes clear, some of his dangerous corner kicks (from the punishment for my sin et ). feet warm.

Pen: 6 + Fight
much in midfield, passing a few mistakes too, but you never back (see head). FIGHTER

Marchesetti: 6 -
In the first half seems a bit out of place, shooting in the second half when the Credera go to trident. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER

Plizzari: 7
first game as a starter, the first league goal, first goal of the tips could not ask for anything more to celebrate her 22nd birthday. PERFECT DAY

C. Neri Time: 7
Log in recovery and totally changes the game runs a lot more doubles on opponents and turns out to kiss the assist for the equalizer. BALL IN

Bertolasi M. : 6.5
onto the pitch with the right look, fight on all the balloons and has a key role in the equalizer domesticating the ball so sly. EXPERIENCE

Maraschin: 6.5
Entra a freddo al posto del suo compaesano infortunato, nei pochi minuti del primo tempo studia gli avversari, mentre nella ripresa gioca una partita senza sbavature. INSUPERABILE


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