Sunday, October 26, 2008

Instrumental Dont Stop Til You Get


Cronaca partita:
Il Credera non riesce a ritrovare se stesso e perde un' altra partita(la sesta in sette partite),
contro una squadra battibilissima. Le due formazioni si affrontano prevalentemente a centrocampo e le occasioni da gol si possono contare sulle dita di one hand, but now when the game seems to be channeled to 0 to 0, the CR at the 90th was forced to capitulate because of a punishment (unclear) to the edge of the area.

Scoreboard Fuso A. Neri:

Pedrinazzi: 6.5 -
keeps afloat the team with excellent speeches, the only flaw in his game is on the punishment of which does not seem to benefit local inresistibile own, but overall offers a good test. IN RECOVERY

Merisio: 6 +
Apart from some initial blunder, the captain has a very shrewd game without taking unnecessary risks. TEST

Bertolasi S.: 6 +
He takes a bit to get into the game, but when it does make available to the team experience and good physical tonnage on long casts opponents. OMON

Maraschin: 6
First game as a starter, must contend with an opponent mangy gives and takes them calmly. Battler

C. Neri Time: 6 miles to kilometers
mill at all opponents in paying so lucid, as shown by two straight sensational. blunders

Neri A. Time: 6
Play a game of almost perfect, but it's conscience is foul (doubt) that at the 90th coast of the defeat to his team. UNLUCKY

Sanchirico: 6
play a game without infamy and without praise, earning many fouls, but he can not make the step change that is expected of him. SIMPLE

Taino: 5.5
The bomber takes a rest day, it is rarely seen on the defensive in the attack. REST

Bragonzi: 6.5
Left alone by his fellow department is forced to work for a super plug all the holes. Willing

Pen: 6 -
After a good first half, set in the second half and his "absence" makes itself felt in midfield. TIRED

Marchesetti: 6.5
little support from his fellow fighting like a lion against the opposing defense, a lot more runs to chase long balls of his companions, ending the game exhausted. JUICE

Plizzari: SV
After a minute from his entrance into the field undergoes a massage to the ankles, trying to give sparkle to the attack, but has little chance. ISOLATED

Carrisi: SV
Log in recovery and is mainly engaged in the attack, provides some good play. Willing


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