Monday, March 26, 2007

Best Way To Get A Brazilian


happen again ... That's as it did in the past!
a journalist, say over what goes on the record, and believe themselves to be above party, makes out of the pot! Mastrogiacomo was released, he'd probably feel that they can do a bang by interviewing some Taliban leader, but as we learned in Sgrena, had miscalculated. In doing so he endangered the lives of others ..... but this time is even worse, because not only are the bad Taliban to kidnap and detain people .... but the Afghan government now steals Emergency personnel and apparently the torturta well!!
It seems also that our government is so determined and enterprising firm in asking what happened to the head of Emergency! Just

however, besides not need pre-emptive wars or American bombing, we also sincerely less than other journalists unconscious!


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