Friday, December 7, 2007

Hitachi Excavator Schematics

Andreotti is gay?

Proprio ieri sto coso nella foto ha votato per eliminare una piccola postilla al pacchetto sicurezza che condanna come atto di razzismo qualsiasi discriminazione verso i gay e lesbiche! Ora dico, guardandolo nella foto, così con le manine una sull'altra e le gambe dolcemente accavallate che mettono in mostra le sue curve....non vi viene il dubbio che sua madre gli abbia nascosto la verità? Forse la signora mamma voleva una figlia femmina ed invece gli è nato sto cosetto, ma fin da piccolo lo ha fatto giocare con le bambole? Lui dice di no....e forse è vero non è gay è soltanto stronzo!

Friday, October 5, 2007

What Is So Bad About Lunch Meat

courses and resorts of the story ... si ripeterà presto..... ;-) e Mastella che dici?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Blue Buffalo Dog Food


Mr Mastella,
You should be ashamed. He asked the darkening of the blog Mastellatiodio accusing him of neo-Nazism, when his only crime is to do satire. A minister of justice that seeks to limit freedom of speech is worthy of a regime dittattoriale. If you do not have the dignity to resign despite the strong dissent that gains from the entire country, and that increases day by day, at least have the decency to respect the freedom of others.
Bloggers Italians do not intend to complacency.


And I add: Mastella, but who do you think of taking the piss? Yesterday you were the promoter of the pardon which ones crap ... and now you talk about the certainty of punishment?

but it goes ......

I would give a better right to the Keeper of ceppalonic ..... I'm going to see link below ... who knows that is not useful ;-)

Monday, September 10, 2007

How Long Speedboat Miami Bahamas

good Casini, my Christian Democrat .......

I am ashamed of Casino!
just can not shut up! After all, the pope has the right mini tendency to say and roads all over!
So it would be a ashamed of the V-Day .....
But say you saw him in the face .... its leader (Pope) secretly campaigning against Darwinism ..... and he, Casini, it represents a test for!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Land And Titles Search Toronto

executed on Texas!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Natalie Morales Sweater

That's cool!

I'm too happy!
is a parliamentary vaticanofilo more intransigent party, a friend of the heirs of the burners of witches, always ready to say what is moral and what is not ...... ended up straight in trouble for a night spent between sex and cocaine!
Shit ..... we want to see evidence of the existence of God! ;-)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Now My Wife 34 Weeks Pregnant

If a crook becomes a model!

really a bad sport of cycling! even corrects me, not a bad sport ..... but the bad sports cyclists!! But what if we expect to cheat like a winner Pantani made a hero of our times, even a TV show and a youth cycling school were dedicated to him. A bit like a rehabilitation center for drug addicts was dedicated to Jim Morrison, I feel a little out of place!
Besides just hear the last words of Moser, who has quietly said that if one is caught by doping control then it is a fool, if you do have to do it for good! What beautiful words from a "sample" of a sport ill .....

Friday, July 20, 2007

Inexpensive Brazilian Wax Columbus Ohio

They established the first stock of Rape!

's right, now, if you awaiting trial for rape is possible to have a check for 5000 €! At Montalto di Castro, Viterbo, this is a reality! Avanzatissiva even in Finland have been able to do so! Sounds like a joke, but it is true, the Mayor of Montalto di Castro, gave a sum of € 5000 to each of the 8 boys accused of raping a girl of 16 years! The first "bag of Rape!
Update: The day that this news came out, the Mayor of Montalto di Castro withdrew his infamous act: this however does not reduce the seriousness of the act, as it is really disgusting to have only thought to contribute to the defense of alleged rapists!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Sore Breast Red Nipple Thrush

bad taste, as usual you

news today is that yesterday evening, Ms. Napolitano was hit by a car outside the Quirinale led by two elders.
Now rescued was taken to hospital Celio military!
E 'falls ass here! We are the usual! Ms. Napolitano is perhaps a soldier? He came from a war zone? Had been wounded in combat? but nooooooooooooooooooooo
was just a small town hit by a car, had to be carried in a public hospital, as could happen to us all!
Ms. Napolitano, I'll give you my best wishes for a speedy guariggione, but it has certainly missed an opportunity to make a contribution to what your husband is saying everywhere: "we must ensure that processes this climate of hatred the political class "!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What Happened To Heather Harmon?

the crocs? no right to vote!

I know, troppoooo may seem radical, but I do not think there are alternatives! If you go around these things co horrible, just because it requires you the fashion .... then you can not have the right to vote, your ability to have ideas and opinions autonomanente is totally compromised! Urge
a census ....

Friday, June 8, 2007

Many Calories Mcdonalds Sausage Biscuit

Out Bush the fuck out!

Ma dico, se quando ti sposti la gente ti vuole così bene che devi essere protetto da tiratori scelti, devono sigillare tutti i tombini, censire gli abitanti del quartiere dove vai a spasso, far togliere tutte le auto ed i motorini, se devi essere protetto da migliaia di sbirri, Non ti viene in mente che stai sui coglioni alla maggior parte del mondo e delle persone? Non pensi che forse un grande leader se è così odiato forse ha sbagliato tanto?
Bush un vaffanculo per ogni persona morta o sofferente per le tue azioni!!!! Vaffanculo tendente all'infinito!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

554 Transaction Failed Socket


Sti rompicog Vatican .... we have just broken! But most of them we have broken the leccac * who serve them! and among them there are now also Google and YouTube have removed the files related to the scandal of pedophile priests and the sins of the pope!

But since we are still free ... here's the link to see the documentary "Sex Crimes and Vatican ".....

And please ..... the next family day ... with all the priests that we are ..... let the kids at home!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Edibale Arrangments San Diego Coupon

This man is dangerous!

E 'dangerous to the civil societies and it is dangerous for civil rights is dangerous for science, is dangerous for the progress it is dangerous for our freedom, is dangerous for all the free states of the world, every idea is a step backwards for all of us!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Dog Grooming Benefits

And I do not agree!

These days it is a continuous feel to invoke the death penalty for two Romanian girls who killed a Roman girl. They have committed a grave crime, in my opinion aggravated by the absence of assistance, have not shown the slightest respect for the lives of others! But if someone
bisgona grant extenuating circumstances, are to have their own right! But what
pretend da due povere ragazzine che probabilmente con violenza e ricatti vengono buttate sulla strada a prostituirsi?
Chi ha mai avuto rispetto per la loro vita? Forse la hanno avuto i maschi italiani che se le fottono per 30 euro? e poi magari sono i primi a dare addosso agli immigrati? oppure le loro famiglie?
Che schifo! Dura la vita sulla strada! Cresci sapendo di valere niente! i tuoi sentimenti valgono 30 auro a scopata! Cosa pretendiamo allora?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Jamaican Food Recipes

cabbage is almost a month since I start to write!

Devo assolutamente uscire dalla crisi!
Ma come fare?
Il Papa dice sempre le stesse cose; Prodi ormai quando parla nessuno gli crede più; Berlusconi va al congresso of the left and says things wise, AH! there would be something!
A nice competition to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage for ten sites for executive archaeologist! Finally someone thinks of us poor souls! But if you read the contract well ........... as well as the degree must also have worked for them for at least 5 years! I
is a doubt that not a few dozen friends of friends of relatives had just just five years of service?
will be nice to see the winners!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Women In Tight Girdles

Look good ... and when they encountered a subsidiary regalategli!

This gentleman next door, Ignazio La Russa, one of the most authoritative representatives (ahahahha) italioide's right, last night in a television program, Emergency offended and the rest of us that we have great respect for it! The unfortunate phrase
La Russa was "
course, if one relies on guys like Gino Strada's the least that can happen is to free five Taliban dangerous." Dear
La Russa ..... I mean at least a thousand people of your caliber to do half Gino Strada! Russian

If the study opens the mind ... Ignatius should perhaps start by subsidiary!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Level 1 Insurance License Alberta

Excuse me, but she pulls? There

are now several weeks that someone somewhere in the world, is concerned for my health, sexual and psychological intending to be a true friend with a price, otherwise expensive solutions! That's nice to know that even if we do not know, selfless men exist in the world who care about our little everyday problems!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Best Way To Get A Brazilian


happen again ... That's as it did in the past!
a journalist, say over what goes on the record, and believe themselves to be above party, makes out of the pot! Mastrogiacomo was released, he'd probably feel that they can do a bang by interviewing some Taliban leader, but as we learned in Sgrena, had miscalculated. In doing so he endangered the lives of others ..... but this time is even worse, because not only are the bad Taliban to kidnap and detain people .... but the Afghan government now steals Emergency personnel and apparently the torturta well!!
It seems also that our government is so determined and enterprising firm in asking what happened to the head of Emergency! Just

however, besides not need pre-emptive wars or American bombing, we also sincerely less than other journalists unconscious!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Funny Initiation Ideas For Freshmans

Ma, avete capito?

I knew nothing of Robert Tomei, but I find that like me, sometimes dreamed of being able to search and / or teach at a university italiana, dopo anni di studio e di specializzazioni post laurea.......

Allora Tomei prese la palla al balzo e partecipò ad un concorso per una cattedra nella sua materia e confortato da un serie di sue pubblicazioni iniziò a sperare..................... ma qualcuno stava già aggiustando le cose!

Vinse invece una cattedra un certo Giulio Napolitano, figlio di....... indovinate un pochino di chi!!!
E vinse con una splendida pubblicazione autoprodotta, ovvero quelle che vengono chiamare "vanity press".... Cioè capito?!!! non una pubblicazione vagliata da una commissione scientifica di una qualsivoglia rivista e casa editrice, ma bensì un libro autoprodotto, ovvero pago e la home to me .... I repeat -..----- press and public at my expense!!

The Council of State 2364/2004 with the ruling stated that the only valid public for a public competition shall be those accepted by the scientific community ... and not ones that I myself printed and taken to the competition! what the limit is called the theme!
However, despite the decision of the Security Council Dr. Tomei is still failed, while the son of Mr. Ovviodamorire won the contest her beautiful!
are disgusting!!
I will take my degree and my major at the Quirinale .....

spread this news, WE DO SO THAT IT IS THE POLICY ON WITH THE Scappini face in his hands not to be seen! WHERE AND WHEN TO COME TO LET THEIR SPEECHES DEAR OBVIOUS, THEN GENTLY MANDIAMOLI countries issue!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Picutres Of Prostate Cancer

contro natura!


I would like to quote a phrase by Gaetano Salvemini:
Referring to Catholics:
They claim their liberty under

our principles and deny our freedoms
in accordance with the principles or their "

Gaetano Salvemini ( Molfetta 8 November 1873 - Sorrento September 6 1957) was a historian and anti-fascist politician .

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Lorna Morgan In The Field

Non accettiamo nessuna lezione di morale da Giulio Andreotti!!!!

Rai, loved, has prevented the publication Youtube The video of M. Travaglio who throws in the face of Andreotti at least 1 / 10 di tutte le porcate e porcherie che ha detto e/o fatto!!!!
Però non ha fatto lo stesso con tutti gli altri video in cui Travaglio spara su altri uomi politici e allora forse non c'entra niente il rivendicato diritto d'autore?!!!? forse, è soltanto che qualcuno in Rai è un leccaculo di Andreotti!??! Bò Chissa!?!?!?

Betaine Hydrochloride Ontario

10/3/2007 DirittiOra!

Oggi possiamo dare un forte segnale verso la modernizzazione di questo paese; possiamo iniziare a recuperare il gap che ci divide dalla Civiltà!!!
Altrimenti rischiamo di essere bombardati anche noi tra 10 anni!!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Best Shops For Gatsby Hair Wax In Abu Dhabi

Mai immagine fu più rappresentativa!!!

Contro ogni DICO (Disturbi e Ingerenze Cardinali Obesi)

Friday, March 2, 2007

Design Your Owndiva Wrestling Attire

Però mica si può stare sempre incazzati!!!