Monday, August 23, 2010

Schematic Drawing Excavator


It 'been a strange summer, I realized Saturday night, when the question "But what have you been doing all summer?" I did not know what to say.
I studied, I sew, I gave you reps. I was at home a lot. No beach holiday in early August, as it had become a habit.
Yes, I went to Ben and I did two days at sea in July. Spend 3 days out of 90 in the summer is not so bad after all.
There were so many things I wanted to do. Hang out with the in-laws adoptive Tuscany, for example. Go to the beach for a while ', the time to put on those classic 3-4 kilos of those who go on holiday with him . Go Aquafan and maybe at least once in the pool. Be sveglia fino all'alba facendo qualsiasi cosa si debba fare, almeno una volta, prima di diventare grandi seriamente.

Di tutto questo sono riuscita solo a prendermi i chili estivi e lanciarmi nella relativa dieta frenetica (e tanta tanta balance boar) per eliminarli prima che sedimentino. Per la cellulite non c'è rimedio, ma, dato che ho vicino uno che ha avuto il coraggio di dire che N. (che pesa esattamente quella quindicina di chili in meno) ne ha molta, ma a me non si vede neanche*, vedrò di non farmene un problema.

E poi, se tutto va bene, a settembre avrò splendide novità.

*è un adorabile bugiardo!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monopod Recommend Hiking


La scorsa stagione sono arrivata 5055 to second place, of about 47,000. Obviously without those who are regarded by others Supercampione (see Milito, Totti, Gilardino, Buffon, Chiellini, Cassano and Co. Trump), but my oversampling. To say, my three-pronged attack was several times Palacio-Del Piero-Mascara. The only luxury was granted Pazzini, when he still was not considered a phenomenon. And then the joys and sorrows of Gastaldello and Marchetti.

This year I made up a squadron to laugh. Including Corradi and Antonioli, given the limited budget.

ask if I beat my record, with official letter, participation in a championship fantacalcistico seriously. If I come again refused to confirm which is why it is hard for boys to be beaten and mocked by a woman, her skirt of course.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Paper Tin Foil And Tape Penny Boats


Thursday we go to Gardaland. Of course they put
rain. Indeed, temporal. Probably only about Peschiera del Garda.