Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Wont To Buy Malarone Tablets



Sunday, October 26, 2008

Instrumental Dont Stop Til You Get


Cronaca partita:
Il Credera non riesce a ritrovare se stesso e perde un' altra partita(la sesta in sette partite),
contro una squadra battibilissima. Le due formazioni si affrontano prevalentemente a centrocampo e le occasioni da gol si possono contare sulle dita di one hand, but now when the game seems to be channeled to 0 to 0, the CR at the 90th was forced to capitulate because of a punishment (unclear) to the edge of the area.

Scoreboard Fuso A. Neri:

Pedrinazzi: 6.5 -
keeps afloat the team with excellent speeches, the only flaw in his game is on the punishment of which does not seem to benefit local inresistibile own, but overall offers a good test. IN RECOVERY

Merisio: 6 +
Apart from some initial blunder, the captain has a very shrewd game without taking unnecessary risks. TEST

Bertolasi S.: 6 +
He takes a bit to get into the game, but when it does make available to the team experience and good physical tonnage on long casts opponents. OMON

Maraschin: 6
First game as a starter, must contend with an opponent mangy gives and takes them calmly. Battler

C. Neri Time: 6 miles to kilometers
mill at all opponents in paying so lucid, as shown by two straight sensational. blunders

Neri A. Time: 6
Play a game of almost perfect, but it's conscience is foul (doubt) that at the 90th coast of the defeat to his team. UNLUCKY

Sanchirico: 6
play a game without infamy and without praise, earning many fouls, but he can not make the step change that is expected of him. SIMPLE

Taino: 5.5
The bomber takes a rest day, it is rarely seen on the defensive in the attack. REST

Bragonzi: 6.5
Left alone by his fellow department is forced to work for a super plug all the holes. Willing

Pen: 6 -
After a good first half, set in the second half and his "absence" makes itself felt in midfield. TIRED

Marchesetti: 6.5
little support from his fellow fighting like a lion against the opposing defense, a lot more runs to chase long balls of his companions, ending the game exhausted. JUICE

Plizzari: SV
After a minute from his entrance into the field undergoes a massage to the ankles, trying to give sparkle to the attack, but has little chance. ISOLATED

Carrisi: SV
Log in recovery and is mainly engaged in the attack, provides some good play. Willing

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mansfield Toilet Noise


Domenica potrebbe esordire l'arma segreta del Credera, e cioè Filippo Plizzari(vedi foto sotto) ...

... che con il suo tiro del drago(in tutu) segnerà gol importanti (come dimostra il tabellone qui sotto).

Quindi ragazzi non preoccupiamoci che sono finiti i tempi bui !!! :-) :-) :-)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Word Disease In A Acrostic Poem


Il Credera viene asfaltato da un P.S.G nettamente superiore, gli avversari di categoria superiore partono subito forte e dopo 3 minuti sono già advantage, the local dazed and unable to respond to undergo the second goal 15 minutes and then capitulate to the 43rd with a third goal guest fixing the outcome of the first time on the 0 to 3. The second time the script does not change, even the guests are rampant and scored another 3 goals. The believe this point has a small reaction of pride and scored twice in five minutes thanks to Smith and Doldi holding the SET button on the 2 to 6. Nasty blow to the CR81, which seems to have entered the field already resigned.

Scoreboard Fuso Neri A.

Pedrinazzi: 5
addition to the 6 goals conceded is not persuasive, it can not hold any ball that comes from its parts. TARGET

Pedrini: 5
The game starts badly and he as the team is unable to respond leaving the field open to opponents. PULLED INSANE

Merisio: 5
Ready away and believe it, and already at a disadvantage, the captain tries to give a little shaken but he seems to believe. REVIEW

Viola: 5.5
The least worst of the defense, biting the ankles of the opponents with great enthusiasm, perhaps even risking too much in a few circumstances, the second yellow card. GRAZIANO

Pylons: 5.5
Eurostar is forced to remain locked for most of the time remaining on the field, test some ideas of his own, but can not affect. FREIGHT TRAIN

Neri C. Time: 5
The filter does little midfield, he runs a lot, but almost always in a partial vacuum is braked from a reprimand to the most receiving early game. PUNISHMENT

Taino: 6 -
The bomber has to deal with a bad client that runs like a madman, does what it can and it's unfortunate when a great punishment is expected at seven parade in a miraculous way from the goalkeeper, out in the second half through injury. UNLUCKY

Doldi: 6
The vote is for the tap-in with which fixed the result on the six Two anonymous enough for the rest of game. IN SHADE

Sanchirico: 5
uninspired and the team's poor start cutting the legs. STERILE

Bertolasi M.: 5
He returned after two weeks of inactivity, but combines very little even though it must be said that his companions leave him alone and are very forward. NEXT

Carrisi: 5
ordered the man of the match of the sky where training shows large numbers, change 2 or 3 roles, but unable to affect little (same address above). ENTERTAINMENT

Marchesetti: 6
Join cameras result already compromised, you do not see much, but hit the crossbar with a shot from just outside the box. CAMPARI

Silvestri: 7
Rating 6.5 would be more correct, but entering the field with the right spirit, often see the game from the bench, but when called into question everything he has always been, the goal is a just reward. MEN'S TEAM

Favini: 5.5
He enters a result already compromised and can do very little. SACRIFICED