Monday, December 22, 2008

Silencer Alarm Manual



Saint Lucia went
and was not very polite
Two matches zero points
No network made, and 5 we have taken

comes Christmas, baby Jesus
the Magi and the Epiphany,
hope for a better year
Sunday with some more serene.

For some of my fellow
those less fortunate
wish less aches
and immediate

Those I see most often
Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays
some victory, or at least worst
Auguro almeno qualche pareggio

Al nostro Mister,
e qui non è facile trovare la rima
qualche scelta più azzeccata
studiata la domenica mattina

Tanta fortuna e serenità
a Fulvio e al Baty
visto che sono
i nostri dirigenti più affezionati

the president and our fans
those ever-present
guarantee much more work
hoping to keep them happy

Who wants to hurt us
also send a wish
and promise that we will field
to answer them with dignity

With these few words
All I want to wish
Un anno pieno di serenità
Dopo un felicissimo Natale

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gay Places In Hyderabad


Prima che Sergio dica qualsiasi cosa faccio il MEA CULPA per l'espulsione subita a gara quasi conclusa.Lo so che sono scene che non si vorrebbero mai vedere sui campi di calcio (e neanche fuori) ma quando mi parte l'embolo non capisco più nulla, scusate ! Speriamo che il referto dell'arbitro sia accondiscendente nonostante gli abbia detto ciò che pensavo di sua mamma...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Toronto Official Spalding Basketball


Chronicle Competition: The
Credera jogging back to make points at home against Castelvetro.
start strong local who can take the lead with Marchesetti that makes the most of a great assist from teeth.
But as often happens, the CR once took the lead off, in fact sleep on a defensive guests can tie up a melee in the area.
In the second half both teams trying to win, but it happens soon, so the game ends with a fair balance.

Scoreboard Fuso Neri A.

Pedrinazzi: 6
always attentive, never takes unnecessary risks and the goal seems to have the visual covered when she leaves the ball. THIS

Neri A. Time: 6 -
first time to horror, was pardoned by the referee who does not give the penalty, often loses his man and gives an assist within their area of \u200b\u200btheir opponents, much better in the second half when a wake. ASLEEP

Neri C. Time: 6.5
Good game, mind and hard for opponents to move from its parts is very difficult. DILIGENT

Bertolasi S.: 6
The only one who manages to annoy referees, teammates and opponents, the defense is a good piece, but you should send him to camp gagged. CICERO

Meanti: 6
into the fray a little surprise, the new acquisition of the CR does not pay the excitement and play a game very diligent. ALERT

Bragonzi: 6.5
continued his excellent season with the "true master", and take kicks from unperturbed and is very useful on high balls. SAFETY

Pylons: 6 +
not always polished, but its acceleration is able to embarrass the opposition, gained much punishment dangerous, and even a penalty but he is not granted. BIP BIP

Taino: 6 +
Good ideas especially on the left wing in the first half, set in the shot slightly, but is (almost) always dangerous at set-pieces. DANGEROUS

Sanchirico: 6 -
something wrong pass too, but always tries to run the team. SPINACH LESS AT NOON

Teeth: 6
50% of his goals is on because it offers an excellent Marchesetti assists, good moves for the rest alternate with long pauses. ON / OFF

Marchesetti: 6 +
Often he is forced to struggle on offense alone, but is lucid and lucky to make the only opportunity that presents itself. CYNIC

Bertolasi M.: 6 -
Sign in to post Marchesetti and is very useful to catch his breath the team, but missed two stops that would lead you to face with the goalkeeper. TRAINING

Friday, December 5, 2008

How Much Does A Mongoose Weigh