Friday, October 5, 2007

What Is So Bad About Lunch Meat

courses and resorts of the story ... si ripeterà presto..... ;-) e Mastella che dici?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Blue Buffalo Dog Food


Mr Mastella,
You should be ashamed. He asked the darkening of the blog Mastellatiodio accusing him of neo-Nazism, when his only crime is to do satire. A minister of justice that seeks to limit freedom of speech is worthy of a regime dittattoriale. If you do not have the dignity to resign despite the strong dissent that gains from the entire country, and that increases day by day, at least have the decency to respect the freedom of others.
Bloggers Italians do not intend to complacency.


And I add: Mastella, but who do you think of taking the piss? Yesterday you were the promoter of the pardon which ones crap ... and now you talk about the certainty of punishment?

but it goes ......

I would give a better right to the Keeper of ceppalonic ..... I'm going to see link below ... who knows that is not useful ;-)