Friday, June 29, 2007

Sore Breast Red Nipple Thrush

bad taste, as usual you

news today is that yesterday evening, Ms. Napolitano was hit by a car outside the Quirinale led by two elders.
Now rescued was taken to hospital Celio military!
E 'falls ass here! We are the usual! Ms. Napolitano is perhaps a soldier? He came from a war zone? Had been wounded in combat? but nooooooooooooooooooooo
was just a small town hit by a car, had to be carried in a public hospital, as could happen to us all!
Ms. Napolitano, I'll give you my best wishes for a speedy guariggione, but it has certainly missed an opportunity to make a contribution to what your husband is saying everywhere: "we must ensure that processes this climate of hatred the political class "!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What Happened To Heather Harmon?

the crocs? no right to vote!

I know, troppoooo may seem radical, but I do not think there are alternatives! If you go around these things co horrible, just because it requires you the fashion .... then you can not have the right to vote, your ability to have ideas and opinions autonomanente is totally compromised! Urge
a census ....

Friday, June 8, 2007

Many Calories Mcdonalds Sausage Biscuit

Out Bush the fuck out!

Ma dico, se quando ti sposti la gente ti vuole così bene che devi essere protetto da tiratori scelti, devono sigillare tutti i tombini, censire gli abitanti del quartiere dove vai a spasso, far togliere tutte le auto ed i motorini, se devi essere protetto da migliaia di sbirri, Non ti viene in mente che stai sui coglioni alla maggior parte del mondo e delle persone? Non pensi che forse un grande leader se è così odiato forse ha sbagliato tanto?
Bush un vaffanculo per ogni persona morta o sofferente per le tue azioni!!!! Vaffanculo tendente all'infinito!!!