Monday, May 28, 2007

554 Transaction Failed Socket


Sti rompicog Vatican .... we have just broken! But most of them we have broken the leccac * who serve them! and among them there are now also Google and YouTube have removed the files related to the scandal of pedophile priests and the sins of the pope!

But since we are still free ... here's the link to see the documentary "Sex Crimes and Vatican ".....

And please ..... the next family day ... with all the priests that we are ..... let the kids at home!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Edibale Arrangments San Diego Coupon

This man is dangerous!

E 'dangerous to the civil societies and it is dangerous for civil rights is dangerous for science, is dangerous for the progress it is dangerous for our freedom, is dangerous for all the free states of the world, every idea is a step backwards for all of us!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Dog Grooming Benefits

And I do not agree!

These days it is a continuous feel to invoke the death penalty for two Romanian girls who killed a Roman girl. They have committed a grave crime, in my opinion aggravated by the absence of assistance, have not shown the slightest respect for the lives of others! But if someone
bisgona grant extenuating circumstances, are to have their own right! But what
pretend da due povere ragazzine che probabilmente con violenza e ricatti vengono buttate sulla strada a prostituirsi?
Chi ha mai avuto rispetto per la loro vita? Forse la hanno avuto i maschi italiani che se le fottono per 30 euro? e poi magari sono i primi a dare addosso agli immigrati? oppure le loro famiglie?
Che schifo! Dura la vita sulla strada! Cresci sapendo di valere niente! i tuoi sentimenti valgono 30 auro a scopata! Cosa pretendiamo allora?